#################################### #################################### ## Dockerfile to run Super-Linter ## #################################### #################################### ######################################### # Get dependency images as build stages # ######################################### FROM tenable/terrascan:1.18.11 as terrascan FROM alpine/terragrunt:1.9.0 as terragrunt FROM dotenvlinter/dotenv-linter:3.3.0 as dotenv-linter FROM ghcr.io/terraform-linters/tflint:v0.51.2 as tflint FROM ghcr.io/yannh/kubeconform:v0.6.6 as kubeconfrm FROM alpine/helm:3.14.4 as helm FROM golang:1.22.5-alpine as golang FROM golangci/golangci-lint:v1.59.0 as golangci-lint FROM goreleaser/goreleaser:v2.0.1 as goreleaser FROM hadolint/hadolint:v2.12.0-alpine as dockerfile-lint FROM registry.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize:v5.4.2 as kustomize FROM hashicorp/terraform:1.8.4 as terraform FROM koalaman/shellcheck:v0.10.0 as shellcheck FROM mstruebing/editorconfig-checker:v3.0.1 as editorconfig-checker FROM mvdan/shfmt:v3.8.0 as shfmt FROM rhysd/actionlint:1.7.1 as actionlint FROM scalameta/scalafmt:v3.8.1 as scalafmt FROM zricethezav/gitleaks:v8.18.3 as gitleaks FROM yoheimuta/protolint:0.50.2 as protolint FROM ghcr.io/clj-kondo/clj-kondo:2024.05.24-alpine as clj-kondo FROM dart:3.4.2-sdk as dart FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:8.0.301-alpine3.19 as dotnet-sdk FROM mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.4-alpine-3.17 as powershell FROM python:3.12.3-alpine3.19 as clang-format RUN apk add --no-cache \ build-base \ clang17 \ cmake \ git \ llvm17-dev \ ninja-is-really-ninja WORKDIR /tmp RUN git clone \ --branch "llvmorg-$(llvm-config --version)" \ --depth 1 \ https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git WORKDIR /tmp/llvm-project/llvm/build RUN cmake \ -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel \ -DLLVM_BUILD_STATIC=ON \ -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ .. \ && ninja clang-format \ && mv /tmp/llvm-project/llvm/build/bin/clang-format /usr/bin FROM python:3.12.3-alpine3.19 as python-builder RUN apk add --no-cache \ bash SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "errexit", "-o", "nounset", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] COPY dependencies/python/ /stage WORKDIR /stage RUN ./build-venvs.sh && rm -rfv /stage FROM python:3.12.3-alpine3.19 as npm-builder RUN apk add --no-cache \ bash \ nodejs-current # The chown fixes broken uid/gid in ast-types-flow dependency # (see https://github.com/super-linter/super-linter/issues/3901) # Npm is not a runtime dependency but we need it to ensure that npm packages # are installed when we run the test suite. If we decide to remove it, add # the following command to the RUN instruction below: # apk del --no-network --purge .node-build-deps COPY dependencies/package.json dependencies/package-lock.json / RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .node-build-deps \ npm \ && npm install --strict-peer-deps \ && npm cache clean --force \ && chown -R "$(id -u)":"$(id -g)" node_modules \ && rm -rfv package.json package-lock.json FROM tflint as tflint-plugins # Configure TFLint plugin folder ENV TFLINT_PLUGIN_DIR="/root/.tflint.d/plugins" # Copy TFlint configuration file because it contains plugin definitions COPY TEMPLATES/.tflint.hcl /action/lib/.automation/ # Initialize TFLint plugins so we get plugin versions listed when we ask for TFLint version RUN tflint --init -c /action/lib/.automation/.tflint.hcl FROM python:3.12.3-alpine3.19 as lintr-installer RUN apk add --no-cache \ bash \ R SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "errexit", "-o", "nounset", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] COPY scripts/install-lintr.sh scripts/install-r-package-or-fail.R / RUN /install-lintr.sh && rm -rf /install-lintr.sh /install-r-package-or-fail.R FROM powershell as powershell-installer # Copy the value of the PowerShell install directory to a file so we can reuse it # when copying PowerShell stuff in the main image RUN echo "${PS_INSTALL_FOLDER}" > /tmp/PS_INSTALL_FOLDER FROM python:3.12.3-alpine3.19 as base_image LABEL com.github.actions.name="Super-Linter" \ com.github.actions.description="Super-linter is a ready-to-run collection of linters and code analyzers, to help validate your source code." \ com.github.actions.icon="code" \ com.github.actions.color="red" \ maintainer="@Hanse00, @ferrarimarco, @zkoppert" \ org.opencontainers.image.authors="Super Linter Contributors: https://github.com/super-linter/super-linter/graphs/contributors" \ org.opencontainers.image.url="https://github.com/super-linter/super-linter" \ org.opencontainers.image.source="https://github.com/super-linter/super-linter" \ org.opencontainers.image.documentation="https://github.com/super-linter/super-linter" \ org.opencontainers.image.description="A collection of code linters and analyzers." # https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#automatic-platform-args-in-the-global-scope ARG TARGETARCH # Install bash first so we can use it # This is also a super-linter runtime dependency RUN apk add --no-cache \ bash SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "errexit", "-o", "nounset", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] # Install super-linter runtime dependencies # Npm is not a runtime dependency but we need it to ensure that npm packages # are installed when we run the test suite. RUN apk add --no-cache \ ca-certificates \ coreutils \ curl \ file \ git \ git-lfs \ jq \ libxml2-utils \ npm \ nodejs-current \ openjdk17-jre \ openssh-client \ parallel \ perl \ php82 \ php82-ctype \ php82-curl \ php82-dom \ php82-iconv \ php82-mbstring \ php82-openssl \ php82-phar \ php82-simplexml \ php82-tokenizer \ php82-xmlwriter \ R \ rakudo \ ruby \ zef # Install Ruby tools COPY dependencies/Gemfile dependencies/Gemfile.lock / RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .ruby-build-deps \ gcc \ make \ musl-dev \ ruby-bundler \ ruby-dev \ ruby-rdoc \ && bundle install \ && apk del --no-network --purge .ruby-build-deps \ && rm -rf Gemfile Gemfile.lock ############################## # Installs Perl dependencies # ############################## RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .perl-build-deps \ gcc \ make \ musl-dev \ perl-dev \ && curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 5 -sL https://cpanmin.us/ \ | perl - -nq --no-wget \ Perl::Critic \ Perl::Critic::Bangs \ Perl::Critic::Community \ Perl::Critic::Lax \ Perl::Critic::More \ Perl::Critic::StricterSubs \ Perl::Critic::Swift \ Perl::Critic::Tics \ && rm -rf /root/.cpanm \ && apk del --no-network --purge .perl-build-deps ################# # Install glibc # ################# COPY scripts/install-glibc.sh / RUN --mount=type=secret,id=GITHUB_TOKEN /install-glibc.sh \ && rm -rf /install-glibc.sh ################## # Install chktex # ################## COPY scripts/install-chktex.sh / RUN --mount=type=secret,id=GITHUB_TOKEN /install-chktex.sh && rm -rf /install-chktex.sh # Set work directory back to root because some scripts depend on it WORKDIR / ################################# # Install luacheck and luarocks # ################################# COPY scripts/install-lua.sh / RUN --mount=type=secret,id=GITHUB_TOKEN /install-lua.sh && rm -rf /install-lua.sh ############################## # Install Phive dependencies # ############################## COPY dependencies/phive.xml /phive.xml COPY scripts/install-phive.sh / RUN /install-phive.sh \ && rm -rfv /install-phive.sh /phive.xml ################## # Install ktlint # ################## COPY scripts/install-ktlint.sh / COPY dependencies/ktlint /ktlint RUN --mount=type=secret,id=GITHUB_TOKEN /install-ktlint.sh \ && rm -rfv /install-ktlint.sh /ktlint ###################### # Install CheckStyle # ###################### COPY scripts/install-checkstyle.sh / COPY dependencies/checkstyle /checkstyle RUN --mount=type=secret,id=GITHUB_TOKEN /install-checkstyle.sh \ && rm -rfv /install-checkstyle.sh /checkstyle ############################## # Install google-java-format # ############################## COPY scripts/install-google-java-format.sh / COPY dependencies/google-java-format /google-java-format RUN --mount=type=secret,id=GITHUB_TOKEN /install-google-java-format.sh \ && rm -rfv /install-google-java-format.sh /google-java-format ################ # Install Helm # ################ COPY --from=helm /usr/bin/helm /usr/bin/ COPY --from=kustomize /app/kustomize /usr/bin/ # Copy Node tools COPY --from=npm-builder /node_modules /node_modules ###################### # Install shellcheck # ###################### COPY --from=shellcheck /bin/shellcheck /usr/bin/ ##################### # Install Go Linter # ##################### COPY --from=golang /usr/local/go/go.env /usr/lib/go/ COPY --from=golang /usr/local/go/bin/ /usr/lib/go/bin/ COPY --from=golang /usr/local/go/lib/ /usr/lib/go/lib/ COPY --from=golang /usr/local/go/pkg/ /usr/lib/go/pkg/ COPY --from=golang /usr/local/go/src/ /usr/lib/go/src/ COPY --from=golangci-lint /usr/bin/golangci-lint /usr/bin/ ###################### # Install GoReleaser # ###################### COPY --from=goreleaser /usr/bin/goreleaser /usr/bin/ ##################### # Install Terraform # ##################### COPY --from=terraform /bin/terraform /usr/bin/ ################## # Install TFLint # ################## # Configure TFLint plugin folder ENV TFLINT_PLUGIN_DIR="/root/.tflint.d/plugins" COPY --from=tflint /usr/local/bin/tflint /usr/bin/ COPY --from=tflint-plugins "${TFLINT_PLUGIN_DIR}" "${TFLINT_PLUGIN_DIR}" ##################### # Install Terrascan # ##################### COPY --from=terrascan /go/bin/terrascan /usr/bin/ ###################### # Install Terragrunt # ###################### COPY --from=terragrunt /usr/local/bin/terragrunt /usr/bin/ ###################### # Install protolint # ###################### COPY --from=protolint /usr/local/bin/protolint /usr/bin/ ################################ # Install editorconfig-checker # ################################ COPY --from=editorconfig-checker /usr/bin/ec /usr/bin/editorconfig-checker ############################### # Install hadolint dockerfile # ############################### COPY --from=dockerfile-lint /bin/hadolint /usr/bin/hadolint ################# # Install shfmt # ################# COPY --from=shfmt /bin/shfmt /usr/bin/ #################### # Install GitLeaks # #################### COPY --from=gitleaks /usr/bin/gitleaks /usr/bin/ #################### # Install scalafmt # #################### COPY --from=scalafmt /bin/scalafmt /usr/bin/ ###################### # Install actionlint # ###################### COPY --from=actionlint /usr/local/bin/actionlint /usr/bin/ ###################### # Install kubeconform # ###################### COPY --from=kubeconfrm /kubeconform /usr/bin/ ##################### # Install clj-kondo # ##################### COPY --from=clj-kondo /bin/clj-kondo /usr/bin/ #################### # Install dart-sdk # #################### ENV DART_SDK /usr/lib/dart COPY --from=dart "${DART_SDK}" "${DART_SDK}" RUN chmod 755 "${DART_SDK}" && chmod 755 "${DART_SDK}/bin" ######################## # Install clang-format # ######################## COPY --from=clang-format /usr/bin/clang-format /usr/bin/ ######################## # Install python tools # ######################## COPY --from=python-builder /venvs /venvs ################# # Install Lintr # ################# COPY --from=lintr-installer /usr/lib/R /usr/lib/R ##################### # Install Bash-Exec # ##################### COPY --chmod=555 scripts/bash-exec.sh /usr/bin/bash-exec ######################### # Configure Environment # ######################### ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/ansible-lint/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/black/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/checkov/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/cfn-lint/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/cpplint/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/flake8/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/isort/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/mypy/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/pylint/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/ruff/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/snakefmt/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/snakemake/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/sqlfluff/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/yamllint/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/venvs/yq/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/node_modules/.bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/usr/lib/go/bin" ENV PATH="${PATH}:${DART_SDK}/bin:/root/.pub-cache/bin" # File to store linter versions ENV VERSION_FILE="/action/linterVersions.txt" RUN mkdir /action ENTRYPOINT ["/action/lib/linter.sh"] FROM base_image as slim # Run to build version file and validate image ENV IMAGE="slim" COPY scripts/linterVersions.sh / RUN /linterVersions.sh \ && rm -rfv /linterVersions.sh ################################### # Copy linter configuration files # ################################### COPY TEMPLATES /action/lib/.automation ################################# # Copy super-linter executables # ################################# COPY lib /action/lib # Set build metadata here so we don't invalidate the container image cache if we # change the values of these arguments ARG BUILD_DATE ARG BUILD_REVISION ARG BUILD_VERSION LABEL org.opencontainers.image.created=$BUILD_DATE \ org.opencontainers.image.revision=$BUILD_REVISION \ org.opencontainers.image.version=$BUILD_VERSION ENV BUILD_DATE=$BUILD_DATE ENV BUILD_REVISION=$BUILD_REVISION ENV BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION ############################## # Build the standard variant # ############################## FROM base_image as standard # https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#automatic-platform-args-in-the-global-scope ARG TARGETARCH ENV ARM_TTK_PSD1="/usr/lib/microsoft/arm-ttk/arm-ttk.psd1" ENV PATH="${PATH}:/var/cache/dotnet/tools:/usr/share/dotnet" # Install super-linter runtime dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache \ rust-clippy \ rustfmt COPY scripts/clippy.sh /usr/bin/clippy RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/clippy ######################### # Install dotenv-linter # ######################### COPY --from=dotenv-linter /dotenv-linter /usr/bin/ ################################### # Install DotNet and Dependencies # ################################### COPY --from=dotnet-sdk /usr/share/dotnet /usr/share/dotnet # Trigger first run experience by running arbitrary cmd RUN dotnet help ######################################### # Install Powershell + PSScriptAnalyzer # ######################################### COPY --from=powershell-installer /tmp/PS_INSTALL_FOLDER /tmp/PS_INSTALL_FOLDER COPY --from=powershell /opt/microsoft/powershell /opt/microsoft/powershell # Disable Powershell telemetry ENV POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1 ARG PSSA_VERSION='1.22.0' RUN PS_INSTALL_FOLDER="$(cat /tmp/PS_INSTALL_FOLDER)" \ && echo "PS_INSTALL_FOLDER: ${PS_INSTALL_FOLDER}" \ && ln -s "${PS_INSTALL_FOLDER}/pwsh" /usr/bin/pwsh \ && chmod a+x,o-w "${PS_INSTALL_FOLDER}/pwsh" \ && pwsh -c "Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -RequiredVersion ${PSSA_VERSION} -Scope AllUsers -Force" \ && rm -rf /tmp/PS_INSTALL_FOLDER ############################################################# # Install Azure Resource Manager Template Toolkit (arm-ttk) # ############################################################# COPY scripts/install-arm-ttk.sh / RUN --mount=type=secret,id=GITHUB_TOKEN /install-arm-ttk.sh && rm -rf /install-arm-ttk.sh # Run to build version file and validate image again because we installed more linters ENV IMAGE="standard" COPY scripts/linterVersions.sh / RUN /linterVersions.sh \ && rm -rfv /linterVersions.sh ################################### # Copy linter configuration files # ################################### COPY TEMPLATES /action/lib/.automation ################################# # Copy super-linter executables # ################################# COPY lib /action/lib # Set build metadata here so we don't invalidate the container image cache if we # change the values of these arguments ARG BUILD_DATE ARG BUILD_REVISION ARG BUILD_VERSION LABEL org.opencontainers.image.created=$BUILD_DATE \ org.opencontainers.image.revision=$BUILD_REVISION \ org.opencontainers.image.version=$BUILD_VERSION ENV BUILD_DATE=$BUILD_DATE ENV BUILD_REVISION=$BUILD_REVISION ENV BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION