########################################### ########################################### ## Dockerfile to run GitHub Super-Linter ## ########################################### ########################################### ################## # Get base image # ################## FROM python:alpine ######################################### # Label the instance and set maintainer # ######################################### LABEL com.github.actions.name="GitHub Super-Linter" \ com.github.actions.description="Lint your code base with GitHub Actions" \ com.github.actions.icon="code" \ com.github.actions.color="red" \ maintainer="GitHub DevOps <github_devops@github.com>" #################### # Run APK installs # #################### RUN apk add --no-cache \ bash git git-lfs musl-dev curl gcc jq file\ npm nodejs \ libxml2-utils perl \ ruby ruby-dev ruby-bundler ruby-rdoc make \ py3-setuptools ansible-lint \ go ##################### # Run Pip3 Installs # ##################### RUN pip3 --no-cache-dir install --upgrade --no-cache-dir \ yamllint pylint yq #################### # Run NPM Installs # #################### RUN npm config set package-lock false \ && npm config set loglevel error \ && npm -g --no-cache install \ markdownlint-cli \ jsonlint prettyjson \ @coffeelint/cli \ typescript eslint \ standard \ babel-eslint \ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin \ @typescript-eslint/parser \ eslint-plugin-jest \ stylelint \ stylelint-config-standard \ && npm --no-cache install \ markdownlint-cli \ jsonlint prettyjson \ @coffeelint/cli \ typescript eslint \ standard \ babel-eslint \ prettier \ eslint-config-prettier \ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin \ @typescript-eslint/parser \ eslint-plugin-jest \ stylelint \ stylelint-config-standard #################################### # Install dockerfilelint from repo # #################################### RUN git clone https://github.com/replicatedhq/dockerfilelint.git && cd /dockerfilelint && npm install # I think we could fix this with path but not sure the language... # https://github.com/nodejs/docker-node/blob/master/docs/BestPractices.md #################### # Run GEM installs # #################### RUN gem install rubocop:0.74.0 rubocop-rails rubocop-github:0.13.0 # Need to fix the version as it installs 'rubocop:0.85.1' as a dep, and forces the default # We then need to promot the correct verion, uninstall, and fix deps RUN sh -c 'gem install --default rubocop:0.74.0; yes | gem uninstall rubocop:0.85.1 -a -x -I; gem install rubocop:0.74.0' ###################### # Install shellcheck # ###################### RUN wget -qO- "https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/releases/download/stable/shellcheck-stable.linux.x86_64.tar.xz" | tar -xJv \ && mv "shellcheck-stable/shellcheck" /usr/bin/ ##################### # Install Go Linter # ##################### ARG GO_VERSION='v1.27.0' RUN wget -O- -nvq https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s "$GO_VERSION" ################## # Install TFLint # ################## RUN curl -Ls "$(curl -Ls https://api.github.com/repos/terraform-linters/tflint/releases/latest | grep -o -E "https://.+?_linux_amd64.zip")" -o tflint.zip && unzip tflint.zip && rm tflint.zip \ && mv "tflint" /usr/bin/ ################## # Install dotenv-linter # ################## RUN wget "https://github.com/dotenv-linter/dotenv-linter/releases/latest/download/dotenv-linter-alpine-x86_64.tar.gz" -O - -q | tar -xzf - \ && mv "dotenv-linter" /usr/bin ########################################### # Load GitHub Env Vars for GitHub Actions # ########################################### ENV GITHUB_SHA=${GITHUB_SHA} \ GITHUB_EVENT_PATH=${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH} \ GITHUB_WORKSPACE=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} \ DEFAULT_BRANCH=${DEFAULT_BRANCH} \ VALIDATE_ALL_CODEBASE=${VALIDATE_ALL_CODEBASE} \ VALIDATE_YAML=${VALIDATE_YAML} \ VALIDATE_JSON=${VALIDATE_JSON} \ VALIDATE_XML=${VALIDATE_XML} \ VALIDATE_MD=${VALIDATE_MD} \ VALIDATE_BASH=${VALIDATE_BASH} \ VALIDATE_PERL=${VALIDATE_PERL} \ VALIDATE_PYTHON=${VALIDATE_PYTHON} \ VALIDATE_RUBY=${VALIDATE_RUBY} \ VALIDATE_COFFEE=${VALIDATE_COFFEE} \ VALIDATE_ANSIBLE=${VALIDATE_ANSIBLE} \ VALIDATE_DOCKER=${VALIDATE_DOCKER} \ VALIDATE_JAVASCRIPT_ES=${VALIDATE_JAVASCRIPT_ES} \ VALIDATE_JAVASCRIPT_STANDARD=${VALIDATE_JAVASCRIPT_STANDARD} \ VALIDATE_TYPESCRIPT_ES=${VALIDATE_TYPESCRIPT_ES} \ VALIDATE_TYPESCRIPT_STANDARD=${VALIDATE_TYPESCRIPT_STANDARD} \ VALIDATE_GO=${VALIDATE_GO} \ VALIDATE_TERRAFORM=${VALIDATE_TERRAFORM} \ VALIDATE_CSS=${VALIDATE_CSS} \ VALIDATE_ENV=${VALIDATE_ENV} \ ANSIBLE_DIRECTORY=${ANSIBLE_DIRECTORY} \ RUN_LOCAL=${RUN_LOCAL} \ TEST_CASE_RUN=${TEST_CASE_RUN} \ ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG=${ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG} \ DISABLE_ERRORS=${DISABLE_ERRORS} ############################# # Copy scripts to container # ############################# COPY lib /action/lib ################################## # Copy linter rules to container # ################################## COPY TEMPLATES /action/lib/.automation ###################### # Set the entrypoint # ###################### ENTRYPOINT ["/action/lib/linter.sh"]