#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ ############# Update the actions.yml with version @admiralawkbar ############### ################################################################################ ############ # Defaults # ############\ GITHUB_API='https://api.github.com' # API url VERSION='' # Version of release pulled from api ACTION_FILE='action.yml' # Action file to update PR_ID='' # PUll Request ID when created UPDATED_BODY_STRING='' # Issue body string converted COMMIT_SHA='' # COmmit sha when PR is created ############## # Built Vars # ############## ORG=$(echo "${ORG_REPO}" | cut -d'/' -f1) # Name of the Org REPO=$(echo "${ORG_REPO}" | cut -d'/' -f2) # Name of the repository ################################################################################ ############################ FUNCTIONS BELOW ################################### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ #### Function Header ########################################################### Header() { echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "----------- GitHub Update Release Version -------------" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" } ################################################################################ #### Function GetReleaseFromIssueTitle ######################################### GetReleaseFromIssueTitle() { echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "Getting the latest Release version from GitHub Issue..." # Get the latest release on the Repository GET_VERSION_CMD=$(echo "${ISSUE_TITLE}" | grep -E -o "v[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+" 2>&1) # Load the error code ERROR_CODE=$? # Check the shell for errors if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ] || [ ${#GET_VERSION_CMD} -lt 1 ]; then # Error echo "ERROR! Failed to get the version!" echo "ERROR:[${GET_VERSION_CMD}]" exit 1 else # Success echo "Latest Version:[${GET_VERSION_CMD}]" fi # Set the version VERSION=${GET_VERSION_CMD} } ################################################################################ #### Function UpdateActionFile ################################################# UpdateActionFile() { echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "Updating the File:[$ACTION_FILE] with Version:[$VERSION]..." # Validate we can see the file if [ ! -f "${ACTION_FILE}" ]; then # ERROR echo "ERROR! Failed to find the file:[${ACTION_FILE}]" exit 1 fi # Update the file UPDATE_CMD=$(sed -i "s|image:.*|image: 'docker://ghcr.io/github/super-linter:${VERSION}'|" "${ACTION_FILE}" 2>&1) # Load the error code ERROR_CODE=$? # Check the shell for errors if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then # Failed to update file echo "ERROR! Failed to update ${ACTION_FILE}!" echo "ERROR:[${UPDATE_CMD}]" exit 1 else echo "Successfully updated file to:" cat "${ACTION_FILE}" fi } ################################################################################ #### Function CommitAndPush #################################################### CommitAndPush() { echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "Creating commit, and pushing to PR..." # Commit the code to GitHub COMMIT_CMD=$( git checkout -b "Automation-Release-${VERSION}" git add "${ACTION_FILE}" git config --global user.name "SuperLinter Automation" git config --global user.email "super_linter_automation@github.com" git commit -m "Updating action.yml with new release version" 2>&1 ) # Load the error code ERROR_CODE=$? # Check the shell for errors if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then # ERROR echo "ERROR! Failed to make commit!" echo "ERROR:[$COMMIT_CMD]" exit 1 else echo "Successfully staged commmit" fi echo "-------------------------------------------------------" # Push the code to the branch and create PR PUSH_CMD=$( git push --set-upstream origin "Automation-Release-${VERSION}" gh pr create --title "Release-update-to-${VERSION}" --body "Automation Upgrade version ${VERSION} to action.yml" 2>&1 ) # Load the error code ERROR_CODE=$? # Check the shell for errors if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then # ERROR echo "ERROR! Failed to create PR!" echo "ERROR:[$PUSH_CMD]" exit 1 else echo "Successfully Created PR" fi # Get the pr number for LINE in $PUSH_CMD; do # echo "Line:[${LINE}]" if [[ "${LINE}" == *"github.com"* ]]; then # Getting the PR id PR_ID=$(echo "${LINE}" | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev) fi done # get the current commit sha COMMIT_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD 2>&1) # Load the error code ERROR_CODE=$? # Check the shell for errors if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then # ERROR echo "ERROR! Failed to get comit sha!" echo "ERROR:[$COMMIT_SHA]" exit 1 else echo "Successfully grabbed commit sha" fi } ################################################################################ #### Function UpdateBaseIssue ################################################## UpdateBaseIssue() { echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "Updating Original Issue:[$ISSUE_NUMBER] with Release information..." # Update the issue to point to new created Pull Request UPDATE_ISSUE_CMD=$(curl -s --fail -X POST \ --url "${GITHUB_API}/repos/${ORG}/${REPO}/issues/${ISSUE_NUMBER}/comments" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data "{ \"body\": \"This Issue is being resolved on in the Pull Request #${PR_ID}\"}" 2>&1) # Load the error code ERROR_CODE=$? # Check the shell for errors if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then # ERROR echo "ERROR! Failed to update base issue!" echo "ERROR:[$UPDATE_ISSUE_CMD]" exit 1 else echo "Successfully updated base Issue" fi } ################################################################################ #### Function UpdatePRBody ##################################################### UpdatePRBody() { echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "Updating PR body with Release information and Issue linkage..." # Need to update the body of the PR with the information UPDATE_PR_CMD=$( curl -s --fail -X PATCH \ --url "${GITHUB_API}/repos/${ORG}/${REPO}/pulls/${PR_ID}" \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.shadow-cat-preview+json,application/vnd.github.sailor-v-preview+json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data "{\"body\": \"Automation Creation of Super-Linter\n\nThis closes #${ISSUE_NUMBER}\n\n${UPDATED_BODY_STRING}\"}" 2>&1 ) # Load the error code ERROR_CODE=$? # Check the shell for errors if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then # ERROR echo "ERROR! Failed to update PR body!" echo "ERROR:[$UPDATE_PR_CMD]" exit 1 else echo "Successfully updated PR body" fi # Add the label for the release UPDATE_LABEL_CMD=$( curl -s --fail -X POST \ --url "${GITHUB_API}/repos/${ORG}/${REPO}/issues/${PR_ID}/labels" \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"labels":["Release"]}' 2>&1 ) # Load the error code ERROR_CODE=$? # Check the shell for errors if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then # ERROR echo "ERROR! Failed to update PR label!" echo "ERROR:[$UPDATE_LABEL_CMD]" exit 1 else echo "Successfully updated PR label" fi } ################################################################################ #### Function UpdateReleaseBodyString ########################################## UpdateReleaseBodyString() { # Need to convert the string newlines to literal newlines UPDATED_BODY_STRING=$(echo "${ISSUE_BODY}" | sed -E ':a;N;$!ba;s/\r{0,1}\n/\\n/g') echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "The updated body string is:[${UPDATED_BODY_STRING}]" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" } ################################################################################ #### Function SetActionsVariables ############################################## SetActionsVariables() { # Set the variables back to Actions echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "Setting the variables back to GitHub Actions..." echo "Setting PR_ID:[${PR_ID}]" echo "PR_ID=${PR_ID}" >>"${GITHUB_ENV}" echo "Setting RELEASE_VERSION:[${VERSION}]" echo "RELEASE_VERSION=${VERSION}" >>"${GITHUB_ENV}" echo "Setting PR_REF:[Automation-Release-${VERSION}]" echo "PR_REF=Automation-Release-${VERSION}" >>"${GITHUB_ENV}" echo "Setting COMMIT_SHA:[${COMMIT_SHA}]" echo "COMMIT_SHA=${COMMIT_SHA}" >>"${GITHUB_ENV}" } ################################################################################ #### Function Footer ########################################################### Footer() { echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "The step has completed" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" } ################################################################################ ################################## MAIN ######################################## ################################################################################ ########## # Header # ########## Header ########################## # Get the latest version # ########################## GetReleaseFromIssueTitle ########################## # Get the latest version # ########################## UpdateReleaseBodyString ########################## # Update the action file # ########################## UpdateActionFile ######################## # Commit and push file # ######################## CommitAndPush #################### # Update the Issue # #################### UpdateBaseIssue #################### # Update the Issue # #################### UpdatePRBody ##################################### # Set the variables back to Actions # ##################################### SetActionsVariables ########## # Footer # ########## Footer