# Each of the default linters should throw at least one lint on this file # assignment # function_left_parentheses # closed_curly # commas # paren_brace f = function (x,y = 1){} # commented_code # some <- commented("out code") # cyclocomp # equals_na # infix_spaces # line_length # object_length # object_name # object_usage # open_curly someComplicatedFunctionWithALongCameCaseName <- function(x) { y <- 1 if (1 > 2 && 2 > 3 && 3 > 4 && 4 > 5 && 5*10 > 6 && x == NA) {TRUE} else {FALSE} } # pipe_continuation # seq_linter # spaces_inside x <- 1:10 x[ 2] 1:length(x) %>% lapply(function(x) x*2) %>% head() # single_quotes message('single_quotes') # spaces_left_parentheses # trailing_whitespace y <- 2 +(1:10) # trailing_blank_lines