#!/usr/bin/env bash DetectActions() { FILE="${1}" if [ "${VALIDATE_GITHUB_ACTIONS}" == "false" ]; then debug "Don't check if ${FILE} is a GitHub Actions file because VALIDATE_GITHUB_ACTIONS is: ${VALIDATE_GITHUB_ACTIONS}" return 1 fi debug "Checking if ${FILE} is a GitHub Actions file..." # Check if in the users .github, or the super linter test suite if [[ "$(dirname "${FILE}")" == *".github/workflows"* ]] || [[ "$(dirname "${FILE}")" == *"${TEST_CASE_FOLDER}/github_actions"* ]]; then debug "${FILE} is GitHub Actions file." return 0 else debug "${FILE} is NOT GitHub Actions file." return 1 fi } DetectOpenAPIFile() { FILE="${1}" if [ "${VALIDATE_OPENAPI}" == "false" ]; then debug "Don't check if ${FILE} is an OpenAPI file because VALIDATE_OPENAPI is: ${VALIDATE_OPENAPI}" return 1 fi debug "Checking if ${FILE} is an OpenAPI file..." if grep -E '"openapi":|"swagger":|^openapi:|^swagger:' "${FILE}" >/dev/null; then debug "${FILE} is an OpenAPI descriptor" return 0 else debug "${FILE} is NOT an OpenAPI descriptor" return 1 fi } DetectTektonFile() { FILE="${1}" if [ "${VALIDATE_TEKTON}" == "false" ]; then debug "Don't check if ${FILE} is a Tekton file because VALIDATE_TEKTON is: ${VALIDATE_TEKTON}" return 1 fi debug "Checking if ${FILE} is a Tekton file..." if grep -q -E 'apiVersion: tekton' "${FILE}" >/dev/null; then return 0 else return 1 fi } DetectARMFile() { FILE="${1}" if [ "${VALIDATE_ARM}" == "false" ]; then debug "Don't check if ${FILE} is an ARM file because VALIDATE_ARM is: ${VALIDATE_ARM}" return 1 fi debug "Checking if ${FILE} is an ARM file..." if grep -E 'schema.management.azure.com' "${FILE}" >/dev/null; then return 0 else return 1 fi } DetectCloudFormationFile() { FILE="${1}" if [ "${VALIDATE_CLOUDFORMATION}" == "false" ]; then debug "Don't check if ${FILE} is a CloudFormation file because VALIDATE_CLOUDFORMATION is: ${VALIDATE_CLOUDFORMATION}" return 1 fi debug "Checking if ${FILE} is a Cloud Formation file..." # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/template-formats.html # AWSTemplateFormatVersion is optional # Check if file has AWS Template info if grep -q 'AWSTemplateFormatVersion' "${FILE}" >/dev/null; then return 0 fi # See if it contains AWS References if grep -q -E '(AWS|Alexa|Custom)::' "${FILE}" >/dev/null; then return 0 fi return 1 } DetectKubernetesFile() { FILE="${1}" if [ "${VALIDATE_KUBERNETES_KUBECONFORM}" == "false" ]; then debug "Don't check if ${FILE} is a Kubernetes file because VALIDATE_KUBERNETES_KUBECONFORM is: ${VALIDATE_KUBERNETES_KUBECONFORM}" return 1 fi debug "Checking if ${FILE} is a Kubernetes descriptor..." if grep -q -v 'kustomize.config.k8s.io' "${FILE}" && grep -q -v "tekton" "${FILE}" && grep -q -E '(^apiVersion):' "${FILE}" && grep -q -E '(^kind):' "${FILE}"; then debug "${FILE} is a Kubernetes descriptor" return 0 fi debug "${FILE} is NOT a Kubernetes descriptor" return 1 } DetectAWSStatesFIle() { FILE="${1}" if [ "${VALIDATE_STATES}" == "false" ]; then debug "Don't check if ${FILE} is an AWS states file because VALIDATE_STATES is: ${VALIDATE_STATES}" return 1 fi debug "Checking if ${FILE} is a AWS states descriptor..." # https://states-language.net/spec.html#example if grep -q '"Resource": *"arn' "${FILE}" && grep -q '"States"' "${FILE}"; then return 0 fi return 1 } CheckInArray() { NEEDLE="$1" # Language we need to match ###################################### # Check if Language was in the array # ###################################### for LANG in "${UNIQUE_LINTED_ARRAY[@]}"; do if [[ "${LANG}" == "${NEEDLE}" ]]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } function GetFileType() { # Need to run the file through the 'file' exec to help determine # The type of file being parsed FILE="$1" GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD=$(file "${FILE}" 2>&1) echo "${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD}" } function CheckFileType() { # Need to run the file through the 'file' exec to help determine # The type of file being parsed FILE="$1" GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD="$(GetFileType "$FILE")" local FILE_TYPE_MESSAGE if [[ ${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD} == *"Ruby script"* ]]; then FILE_TYPE_MESSAGE="Found Ruby script without extension (${FILE}). Rename the file with proper extension for Ruby files." FILE_ARRAY_RUBY+=("${FILE}") elif [[ ${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD} == *"Python script"* ]]; then FILE_TYPE_MESSAGE="Found Python script without extension (${FILE}). Rename the file with proper extension for Python files." FILE_ARRAY_PYTHON+=("${FILE}") elif [[ ${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD} == *"Perl script"* ]]; then FILE_TYPE_MESSAGE="Found Perl script without extension (${FILE}). Rename the file with proper extension for Perl files." FILE_ARRAY_PERL+=("${FILE}") else FILE_TYPE_MESSAGE="Failed to get file type for: ${FILE}" fi if [ "${SUPPRESS_FILE_TYPE_WARN}" == "false" ]; then warn "${FILE_TYPE_MESSAGE}" else debug "${FILE_TYPE_MESSAGE}" fi } function GetFileExtension() { FILE="$1" # We want a lowercase value local -l FILE_TYPE # Extract the file extension FILE_TYPE=${FILE##*.} echo "$FILE_TYPE" } function IsValidShellScript() { FILE="$1" if [ "${VALIDATE_BASH}" == "false" ] && [ "${VALIDATE_BASH_EXEC}" == "false" ] && [ "${VALIDATE_SHELL_SHFMT}" == "false" ]; then debug "Don't check if ${FILE} is a shell script because VALIDATE_BASH, VALIDATE_BASH_EXEC, and VALIDATE_SHELL_SHFMT are set to: ${VALIDATE_BASH}, ${VALIDATE_BASH_EXEC}, ${VALIDATE_SHELL_SHFMT}" return 1 fi FILE_EXTENSION="$(GetFileExtension "$FILE")" GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD="$(GetFileType "$FILE")" trace "File:[${FILE}], File extension:[${FILE_EXTENSION}], File type: [${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD}]" if [[ "${FILE_EXTENSION}" == "zsh" ]] || [[ ${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD} == *"zsh script"* ]]; then warn "$FILE is a ZSH script. Skipping..." return 1 fi if [ "${FILE_EXTENSION}" == "sh" ] || [ "${FILE_EXTENSION}" == "bash" ] || [ "${FILE_EXTENSION}" == "bats" ] || [ "${FILE_EXTENSION}" == "dash" ] || [ "${FILE_EXTENSION}" == "ksh" ]; then debug "$FILE is a valid shell script (has a valid extension: ${FILE_EXTENSION})" return 0 fi if [[ "${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD}" == *"POSIX shell script"* ]] || [[ ${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD} == *"Bourne-Again shell script"* ]] || [[ ${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD} == *"dash script"* ]] || [[ ${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD} == *"ksh script"* ]] || [[ ${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD} == *"/usr/bin/env sh script"* ]]; then debug "$FILE is a valid shell script (has a valid file type: ${GET_FILE_TYPE_CMD})" return 0 fi trace "$FILE is NOT a supported shell script. Skipping" return 1 } function IsGenerated() { FILE="$1" if [ "${IGNORE_GENERATED_FILES}" == "false" ]; then debug "Don't check if ${FILE} is generated because IGNORE_GENERATED_FILES is: ${IGNORE_GENERATED_FILES}" return 1 fi if ! grep -q "@generated" "$FILE"; then trace "File:[${FILE}] is not generated, because it doesn't have @generated marker" return 1 fi if grep -q "@not-generated" "$FILE"; then trace "File:[${FILE}] is not-generated because it has @not-generated marker" return 1 else trace "File:[${FILE}] is generated because it has @generated marker" return 0 fi } function RunAdditionalInstalls() { ################################## # Run installs for Psalm and PHP # ################################## if [ "${VALIDATE_PHP_PSALM}" == "true" ] && [ "${#FILE_ARRAY_PHP_PSALM[@]}" -ne 0 ]; then # found PHP files and were validating it, need to composer install info "Found PHP files to validate, and [VALIDATE_PHP_PSALM] set to true, need to run composer install" info "looking for composer.json in the users repository..." mapfile -t COMPOSER_FILE_ARRAY < <(find / -name composer.json 2>&1) debug "COMPOSER_FILE_ARRAY contents:[${COMPOSER_FILE_ARRAY[*]}]" ############################################ # Check if we found the file in the system # ############################################ if [ "${#COMPOSER_FILE_ARRAY[@]}" -ne 0 ]; then for LINE in "${COMPOSER_FILE_ARRAY[@]}"; do COMPOSER_PATH=$(dirname "${LINE}" 2>&1) info "Found [composer.json] at:[${LINE}]" COMPOSER_CMD=$( cd "${COMPOSER_PATH}" || exit 1 composer install --no-progress -q 2>&1 ) ############## # Error code # ############## ERROR_CODE=$? ############################## # Check the shell for errors # ############################## if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then # Error error "ERROR! Failed to run composer install at location:[${COMPOSER_PATH}]" fatal "ERROR:[${COMPOSER_CMD}]" else # Success info "Successfully ran:[composer install] for PHP validation" fi done fi fi ############################### # Run installs for R language # ############################### if [ "${VALIDATE_R}" == "true" ] && [ "${#FILE_ARRAY_R[@]}" -ne 0 ]; then info "Detected R Language files to lint." info "Trying to install the R package inside:[${WORKSPACE_PATH}]" ######################### # Run the build command # ######################### BUILD_CMD=$(R CMD build "${WORKSPACE_PATH}" 2>&1) ############## # Error code # ############## ERROR_CODE=$? ############################## # Check the shell for errors # ############################## if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then # Error warn "ERROR! Failed to run:[R CMD build] at location:[${WORKSPACE_PATH}]" warn "BUILD_CMD:[${BUILD_CMD}]" else # Get the build package BUILD_PKG=$( cd "${WORKSPACE_PATH}" || exit 0 echo *.tar.gz 2>&1 ) ############################## # Install the build packages # ############################## INSTALL_CMD=$( cd "${WORKSPACE_PATH}" || exit 0 R -e "remotes::install_local('.', dependencies=T)" 2>&1 ) ############## # Error code # ############## ERROR_CODE=$? ############################## # Check the shell for errors # ############################## debug "INSTALL_CMD:[${INSTALL_CMD}]" if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then warn "ERROR: Failed to install the build package at:[${BUILD_PKG}]" fi fi fi #################################### # Run installs for TFLINT language # #################################### if [ "${VALIDATE_TERRAFORM_TFLINT}" == "true" ] && [ "${#FILE_ARRAY_TERRAFORM_TFLINT[@]}" -ne 0 ]; then info "Detected TFLint Language files to lint." info "Trying to install the TFLint init inside:[${WORKSPACE_PATH}]" ######################### # Run the build command # ######################### BUILD_CMD=$( cd "${WORKSPACE_PATH}" || exit 0 tflint --init -c "${TERRAFORM_TFLINT_LINTER_RULES}" 2>&1 ) ############## # Error code # ############## ERROR_CODE=$? ############################## # Check the shell for errors # ############################## if [ "${ERROR_CODE}" -ne 0 ]; then fatal "ERROR! Failed to initialize tflint with the ${TERRAFORM_TFLINT_LINTER_RULES} config file: ${BUILD_CMD}" else info "Successfully initialized tflint with the ${TERRAFORM_TFLINT_LINTER_RULES} config file" debug "Tflint output: ${BUILD_CMD}" fi fi }