- Remove build-time dependencies
- Remove cached NPM packages
- Remove cached PyPi packages
- Remove dependency descriptors. These still count against the total space,
although it's a few KBs
- Install rust-clippy and rust-fmt using the OS package manager instead of
maintaining our own installation script
- Add tests for build time dependencies that are not supposed to be installed
- Fail if the installation of a R package fails.
- Install the remotes package once during the image build, and not when we scan
files at runtime.
- Reuse the default R library directory instead of moving it to /home/r-library
Pushes inline scripts in the Dockerfile into standalone
scripts and authenticates requests to GitHub using a
Personal Access Token to reduce build flakiness due
to GitHub's abuse and ratelimiting due to unauthenticated
Signed-off-by: Brett Logan <lindluni@github.com>