is automatically generated by the release workflow.
Ignore it when linting the codebase because it might not pass textlint
validation because of lowercase terms.
- Implement a job to preview the release notes
- Include build, ci, and dependency updates
- Add emoji to section headings to match the existing release notes
- Add documentation about how to run release-please from the CLI
- Refactor Dockerfile to use a base image so that we can reuse the cache
for the standard image and not just the base image.
- Simplify the cd workflow to take into account the Production
environment only for latest images.
- Don't run the Release job with a matrix because we don't want to run
release-please and the git tag steps more than once.
- Don't get release metadata if release-please didn't create the release
- Populate the container image build cache.
- Set the starting version and commit for release-please.
- Configure release-please to automatically create pull requests and
- Run release-please and tag update in the CD workflow.
- Update Git tags pointing to latest, major.minor, and major versions as
part of the CD workflow.
- Remove workflows (draft-release, release) that are not necessary
anymore, and related configuration files.
- Handle automatic updates to, action.yml, and action.yaml
- Mount .github to /tmp/lint/.github so super-linter finds config files,
and the GitHub Actions to lint.