- Add missing fix mode options for: CLANG_FORMAT, ENV,
- Refactor linter tests to make them shorter because there's no need to
have big test files.
- Refactor 'bad' linter tests for linters that support fix mode so they
contain only automatically fixable issues. This is needed to avoid
adding another set of 'bad' linter tests for fix mode.
- Provide configuration files for linters that support fix mode and for
which the default configuration is not suitable to enable fix mode:
ansible-lint, ESLint, golangci-lint.
- Add a test case for linter commands options for linters that support
fix mode, to ensure that fix mode and check-only mode options have
been defined.
- Refactor the fix mode test to check if linters actually applied
modifications to files.
- Update documentation about adding test cases for linters that support
fix mode.
- Don't exit with a fatal error if VALIDATE_xxx is false when testing
fix mode because not all linters support fix mode. To enable this, set
the new FIX_MODE_TEST_CASE_RUN variable to true.
- Run jscpd, gitleaks, textlint against the entire workspace instead of
running them over single files, one by one.
- Implement a warning function for deprecated variables.
- Deprecate the VALIDATE_JSCPD_ALL_CODEBASE variable.
- Remove duplicate configuration files when they are the same as the
ones we provide in TEMPLATES.
- Add a missing tests for ansible-lint.
- Move ANSIBLE_DIRECTORY configuration when running tests in
buildFileList, where similar configs are.
- Simplify ansible-lint test cases to include only what's necessary, and
not an entire set of roles, playbooks, and inventory.
- Write instructions about major upgrades in the upgrade guide.