Enable debug logging when one (or more) of the following conditions is
- ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG is set to true
- ACTIONS_STEPS_DEBUG is set to true
- RUNNER_DEBUG is set to 1
Consider package-lock.json when building the dev-container so we can
enforce a known-working dependency chain. This caused issues in the past
when commitlint and release-please had bugs in new versions that
impacted our build pipeline.
- Initialize GITHUB_DOMAIN as documented in the README
- Configure other URLs according to GITHUB_DOMAIN
- Automatically fetch SSH key fingerprints for GITHUB_DOMAINS
- Check if Stdout and Stderr have elements before printing them.
- Run the super-linter action in a dedicated step using default logging to
inspect how the output looks during CI.
CHANGELOG.md is automatically generated by the release workflow.
Ignore it when linting the codebase because it might not pass textlint
validation because of lowercase terms.
- Remove unneeded 'context' directive
- Update the list of extensions to install
- Configure tasks to run super-linter
- Remove redundant README
- Remove outdated launch configurations and scripts
Deprecate the ERROR_ON_MISSING_EXEC_BIT variable to remove a confusing
corner case, and to align the BASH_EXEC check to how super-linter
handles other linters.
- Fix GITHUB_BEFORE_SHA initialization on push events by setting the
correct key.
- Add an additional check against setting GITHUB_BEFORE_SHA to null.
- Run the CI workflow on push events to trigger required status checks
when using the merge queue.
- Remove axios, immer, ini, lodash, node-fetch that were installed to
run Trivy reports. We can remove them because we use the Trivy action.
- Remove the Trivy workflow that was disabled anyway.
- Run jscpd, gitleaks, textlint against the entire workspace instead of
running them over single files, one by one.
- Implement a warning function for deprecated variables.
- Deprecate the VALIDATE_JSCPD_ALL_CODEBASE variable.
- Remove duplicate configuration files when they are the same as the
ones we provide in TEMPLATES.
- Add a missing tests for ansible-lint.
- Move ANSIBLE_DIRECTORY configuration when running tests in
buildFileList, where similar configs are.
- Simplify ansible-lint test cases to include only what's necessary, and
not an entire set of roles, playbooks, and inventory.
- Write instructions about major upgrades in the upgrade guide.
- Add support to run Checkov against infrastructure as code descriptors
that are in a given (configurable) directory. Defaults to lint the
whole workspace.
- Establish a baseline for our own codebase so we don't have to fix
issues right away with this change.
- Implement a job to preview the release notes
- Include build, ci, and dependency updates
- Add emoji to section headings to match the existing release notes
- Add documentation about how to run release-please from the CLI
- Refactor Dockerfile to use a base image so that we can reuse the cache
for the standard image and not just the base image.
- Simplify the cd workflow to take into account the Production
environment only for latest images.
- Don't run the Release job with a matrix because we don't want to run
release-please and the git tag steps more than once.
- Don't get release metadata if release-please didn't create the release
- Populate the container image build cache.
- Set the starting version and commit for release-please.
- Configure release-please to automatically create pull requests and
- Run release-please and tag update in the CD workflow.
- Update Git tags pointing to latest, major.minor, and major versions as
part of the CD workflow.
- Remove workflows (draft-release, release) that are not necessary
anymore, and related configuration files.
- Handle automatic updates to README.md, action.yml, and action.yaml
- Mount .github to /tmp/lint/.github so super-linter finds config files,
and the GitHub Actions to lint.
- Check if the PR contains a single commit, and fail otherwise.
- Enable commitlint to check if commits adhere to the
conventialcommits.org spec.
- Update the the pull request template to point to the conventional
commit spec.
- Update the dependabot configuration to add the "build(...)" prefix to