The super-linter finds issues and reports them to the console output. Fixes are suggested in the console output but not automatically fixed, and a status check will show up as failed on the pull request.
| **VALIDATE_ALL_CODEBASE** | `true` | Will parse the entire repository and find all files to validate across all types. **NOTE:** When set to `false`, only **new** or **edited** files will be parsed for validation. |
| **VALIDATE_YAML** | `true` |Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_JSON** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_XML** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_MD** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_BASH** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_PERL** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_PYTHON** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_RUBY** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_COFFEE** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language . |
| **VALIDATE_ANSIBLE** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_JAVASCRIPT_ES** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. (Utilizing: eslint) |
| **VALIDATE_JAVASCRIPT_STANDARD** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. (Utilizing: standard) |
| **VALIDATE_TYPESCRIPT_ES** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. (Utilizing: eslint) |
| **VALIDATE_TYPESCRIPT_STANDARD** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. (Utilizing: standard) |
| **VALIDATE_DOCKER** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_GO** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_TERRAFORM** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
You can use the **GitHub****Super-Linter***with* or *without* your own personal rules sets. This allows for greater flexibility for each individual code base. The Template rules all try to follow the standards we believe should be enabled at the basic level.
- Copy **any** or **all** template rules files from `TEMPLATES/` into your repository in the location: `.github/linters/` of your repository
- If your repository does not have rules files, they will fall back to defaults in this repositories `TEMPLATE` folder
If you need to disable certain *rules* and *functionality*, you can view [Disable Rules](
The **Docker** container that is built from this repository is located at ``
If you find that you need to run super-linter locally, you can follow the documentation at [Running super-linter locally](
If you would like to help contribute to this **GitHub** Action, please see [CONTRIBUTING](