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import base64
import json
import os
import sys
from http import HTTPStatus
from pathlib import Path
from typing import NoReturn
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import id # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
import requests
# The top-level error message that gets rendered.
# This message wraps one of the other templates/messages defined below.
Trusted publishing exchange failure:
You're seeing this because the action wasn't given the inputs needed to
perform password-based or token-based authentication. If you intended to
perform one of those authentication methods instead of trusted
publishing, then you should double-check your secret configuration and variable
Read more about trusted publishers at https://docs.pypi.org/trusted-publishers/
Read more about how this action uses trusted publishers at
# Rendered if OIDC identity token retrieval fails for any reason.
OpenID Connect token retrieval failed: {identity_error}
This generally indicates a workflow configuration error, such as insufficient
permissions. Make sure that your workflow has `id-token: write` configured
at the job level, e.g.:
id-token: write
Learn more at https://docs.github.com/en/actions/deployment/security-hardening-your-deployments/about-security-hardening-with-openid-connect#adding-permissions-settings.
""" # noqa: S105; not a password
# Specialization of the token retrieval failure case, when we know that
# the failure cause is use within a third-party PR.
OpenID Connect token retrieval failed: {identity_error}
The workflow context indicates that this action was called from a
pull request on a fork. GitHub doesn't give these workflows OIDC permissions,
even if `id-token: write` is explicitly configured.
To fix this, change your publishing workflow to use an event that
forks of your repository cannot trigger (such as tag or release
creation, or a manually triggered workflow dispatch).
""" # noqa: S105; not a password
# Rendered if the package index refuses the given OIDC token.
Token request failed: the server refused the request for the following reasons:
This generally indicates a trusted publisher configuration error, but could
also indicate an internal error on GitHub or PyPI's part.
""" # noqa: S105; not a password
The claims rendered below are **for debugging purposes only**. You should **not**
use them to configure a trusted publisher unless they already match your expectations.
If a claim is not present in the claim set, then it is rendered as `MISSING`.
* `sub`: `{sub}`
* `repository`: `{repository}`
* `repository_owner`: `{repository_owner}`
* `repository_owner_id`: `{repository_owner_id}`
* `workflow_ref`: `{workflow_ref}`
* `job_workflow_ref`: `{job_workflow_ref}`
* `ref`: `{ref}`
See https://docs.pypi.org/trusted-publishers/troubleshooting/ for more help.
# Rendered if the package index's token response isn't valid JSON.
Token request failed: the index produced an unexpected
{status_code} response.
This strongly suggests a server configuration or downtime issue; wait
a few minutes and try again.
You can monitor PyPI's status here: https://status.python.org/
""" # noqa: S105; not a password
# Rendered if the package index's token response isn't a valid API token payload.
Token response error: the index gave us an invalid response.
This strongly suggests a server configuration or downtime issue; wait
a few minutes and try again.
""" # noqa: S105; not a password
def die(msg: str) -> NoReturn:
with _GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY.open('a', encoding='utf-8') as io:
print(_ERROR_SUMMARY_MESSAGE.format(message=msg), file=io)
# HACK: GitHub Actions' annotations don't work across multiple lines naively;
# translating `\n` into `%0A` (i.e., HTML percent-encoding) is known to work.
# See: https://github.com/actions/toolkit/issues/193
msg = msg.replace('\n', '%0A')
print(f'::error::Trusted publishing exchange failure: {msg}', file=sys.stderr)
def debug(msg: str):
print(f'::debug::{msg.title()}', file=sys.stderr)
def get_normalized_input(name: str) -> str | None:
name = f'INPUT_{name.upper()}'
if val := os.getenv(name):
return val
return os.getenv(name.replace('-', '_'))
def assert_successful_audience_call(resp: requests.Response, domain: str):
if resp.ok:
match resp.status_code:
# This index supports OIDC, but forbids the client from using
# it (either because it's disabled, ratelimited, etc.)
f'audience retrieval failed: repository at {domain} has trusted publishing disabled',
case HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND:
# This index does not support OIDC.
'audience retrieval failed: repository at '
f'{domain} does not indicate trusted publishing support',
case other:
status = HTTPStatus(other)
# Unknown: the index may or may not support OIDC, but didn't respond with
# something we expect. This can happen if the index is broken, in maintenance mode,
# misconfigured, etc.
'audience retrieval failed: repository at '
f'{domain} responded with unexpected {other}: {status.phrase}',
def render_claims(token: str) -> str:
_, payload, _ = token.split('.', 2)
# urlsafe_b64decode needs padding; JWT payloads don't contain any.
payload += '=' * (4 - (len(payload) % 4))
claims = json.loads(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(payload))
def _get(name: str) -> str: # noqa: WPS430
return claims.get(name, 'MISSING')
return _RENDERED_CLAIMS.format(
def event_is_third_party_pr() -> bool:
# Non-`pull_request` events cannot be from third-party PRs.
if os.getenv('GITHUB_EVENT_NAME') != 'pull_request':
return False
event_path = os.getenv('GITHUB_EVENT_PATH')
if not event_path:
# No GITHUB_EVENT_PATH indicates a weird GitHub or runner bug.
debug('unexpected: no GITHUB_EVENT_PATH to check')
return False
event = json.loads(Path(event_path).read_bytes())
except json.JSONDecodeError:
debug('unexpected: GITHUB_EVENT_PATH does not contain valid JSON')
return False
return event['pull_request']['head']['repo']['fork']
except KeyError:
return False
repository_url = get_normalized_input('repository-url')
repository_domain = urlparse(repository_url).netloc
token_exchange_url = f'https://{repository_domain}/_/oidc/mint-token'
# Indices are expected to support `https://{domain}/_/oidc/audience`,
# which tells OIDC exchange clients which audience to use.
audience_url = f'https://{repository_domain}/_/oidc/audience'
audience_resp = requests.get(audience_url, timeout=5) # S113 wants a timeout
assert_successful_audience_call(audience_resp, repository_domain)
oidc_audience = audience_resp.json()['audience']
debug(f'selected trusted publishing exchange endpoint: {token_exchange_url}')
oidc_token = id.detect_credential(audience=oidc_audience)
except id.IdentityError as identity_error:
cause_msg_tmpl = (
_TOKEN_RETRIEVAL_FAILED_FORK_PR_MESSAGE if event_is_third_party_pr()
for_cause_msg = cause_msg_tmpl.format(identity_error=identity_error)
# Now we can do the actual token exchange.
mint_token_resp = requests.post(
json={'token': oidc_token},
timeout=5, # S113 wants a timeout
mint_token_payload = mint_token_resp.json()
except requests.JSONDecodeError:
# Token exchange failure normally produces a JSON error response, but
# we might have hit a server error instead.
# On failure, the JSON response includes the list of errors that
# occurred during minting.
if not mint_token_resp.ok:
reasons = '\n'.join(
f'* `{error["code"]}`: {error["description"]}'
for error in mint_token_payload['errors']
rendered_claims = render_claims(oidc_token)
pypi_token = mint_token_payload.get('token')
if pypi_token is None:
# Mask the newly minted PyPI token, so that we don't accidentally leak it in logs.
print(f'::add-mask::{pypi_token}', file=sys.stderr)
# This final print will be captured by the subshell in `twine-upload.sh`.