#! /usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail if [[ "$INPUT_USER" == "__token__" && ! "$INPUT_PASSWORD" =~ ^pypi- ]] then >&2 echo \ [WARNING]: \ It looks like you are trying to use an API token to \ authenticate in the package index and your token value does \ not start with '"pypi-"' as it typically should. This may \ cause an authentication error. Please verify that you have \ copied your token properly if such an error occurs. fi if [[ ! -d dist/ || "`ls -l dist/*.tar.gz dist/*.whl`" == "total 0" ]] then >&2 echo \ [WARNING]: \ It looks like there are no Python distribution packages to \ publish in the '"dist/"' directory. Please verify that they \ are in place should you face this problem. fi TWINE_USERNAME="$INPUT_USER" \ TWINE_PASSWORD="$INPUT_PASSWORD" \ TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL="$INPUT_REPOSITORY_URL" \ exec twine upload dist/*