import { IGNORE_CASE_EQUALITY_COMPARER } from "@/utils/comparison/string-equality-comparer"; import { isSet, isReadOnlySet, ArraySet } from "@/utils/collections/set"; const readOnlySetLike = { keys: () => {}, values: () => {}, entries: () => {}, has: () => {}, [Symbol.iterator]: () => {} }; const setLike = { ...readOnlySetLike, add: () => {}, delete: () => {}, }; describe("isSet", () => { test("returns true for Set instances", () => { expect(isSet(new Set())).toBe(true); }); test("returns true for Set-like objects", () => { expect(isSet(setLike)).toBe(true); }); test("returns false for non-Set-like objects", () => { expect(isSet({})).toBe(false); }); test("returns false for null and undefined", () => { expect(isSet(null)).toBe(false); expect(isSet(undefined)).toBe(false); }); }); describe("isReadOnlySet", () => { test("returns true for Set instances", () => { expect(isReadOnlySet(new Set())).toBe(true); }); test("returns true for ReadOnlySet-like objects", () => { expect(isReadOnlySet(readOnlySetLike)).toBe(true); }); test("returns false for non-ReadOnlySet-like objects", () => { expect(isReadOnlySet({})).toBe(false); }); test("returns false for null and undefined", () => { expect(isReadOnlySet(null)).toBe(false); expect(isReadOnlySet(undefined)).toBe(false); }); }); describe("ArraySet", () => { describe("constructor", () => { test("creates an empty set when no parameters are provided", () => { const set = new ArraySet(); expect(set.size).toBe(0); }); test("creates a set from an iterable of values", () => { const set = new ArraySet(["one", "two"]); expect(set.size).toBe(2); expect(Array.from(set)).toEqual(["one", "two"]) }); test("creates a set from an iterable of entries and a custom comparer", () => { const set = new ArraySet(["one", "two"], IGNORE_CASE_EQUALITY_COMPARER); expect(set.size).toBe(2); expect(set.has("ONE")).toBe(true); expect(set.has("TWO")).toBe(true); }); test("creates a set from an iterable of entries, and eliminates duplicates", () => { const set = new ArraySet([1, 2, 1]); expect(set.size).toBe(2); expect(set.has(1)).toBe(true); expect(set.has(2)).toBe(true); }); test("creates a set from an iterable of entries and a custom comparer, and eliminates duplicates", () => { const set = new ArraySet(["one", "two", "ONE"], IGNORE_CASE_EQUALITY_COMPARER); expect(set.size).toBe(2); expect(set.has("ONE")).toBe(true); expect(set.has("TWO")).toBe(true); expect(Array.from(set)).toEqual(["ONE", "two"]); }); }); describe("add", () => { test("adds a new key-value pair if the key is not present", () => { const set = new ArraySet(); set.add(1); expect(set.has(1)).toBe(true); expect(set.size).toBe(1); }); test("respects custom comparer when setting value by key", () => { const set = new ArraySet(["one"], IGNORE_CASE_EQUALITY_COMPARER); set.add("Two"); expect(set.has("two")).toBe(true); set.add("TWO"); expect(set.has("two")).toBe(true); expect(set.size).toBe(2); expect(Array.from(set)).toEqual(["one", "TWO"]); }); test("updates the value if the key is already present", () => { const set = new ArraySet(["one"]); set.add("one"); expect(set.has("one")).toBe(true); expect(set.size).toBe(1); expect(Array.from(set)).toEqual(["one"]); }); }); describe("has", () => { test("returns true if the key is present", () => { const set = new ArraySet([1]); expect(set.has(1)).toBe(true); }); test("respects custom comparer when checking for key presence", () => { const set = new ArraySet(["one"], IGNORE_CASE_EQUALITY_COMPARER); expect(set.has("one")).toBe(true); expect(set.has("One")).toBe(true); expect(set.has("ONE")).toBe(true); }); test("returns false if the key is not present", () => { const set = new ArraySet(); expect(set.has(1)).toBe(false); }); }); describe("delete", () => { test("removes the entry with the specified key", () => { const set = new ArraySet([1, 2]); expect(set.delete(1)).toBe(true); expect(set.has(1)).toBe(false); expect(set.size).toBe(1); }); test("respects custom comparer when deleting by key", () => { const set = new ArraySet(["one"], IGNORE_CASE_EQUALITY_COMPARER); expect(set.delete("One")).toBe(true); expect(set.has("one")).toBe(false); expect(set.delete("ONE")).toBe(false); }); test("returns false if the key is not present", () => { const set = new ArraySet(); expect(set.delete(1)).toBe(false); }); }); describe("clear", () => { test("removes all entries", () => { const set = new ArraySet([1, 2]); set.clear(); expect(set.size).toBe(0); expect(set.has(1)).toBe(false); }); }); describe("keys", () => { test("returns an iterator over the values (ironically)", () => { const set = new ArraySet([1, 2]); const keys = Array.from(set.keys()); expect(keys).toEqual([1, 2]); }); }); describe("values", () => { test("returns an iterator over the values", () => { const set = new ArraySet([1, 2]); const values = Array.from(set.values()); expect(values).toEqual([1, 2]); }); }); describe("entries", () => { test("returns an iterator over the value-value pairs", () => { const set = new ArraySet([1, 2]); const entries = Array.from(set.entries()); expect(entries).toEqual([[1, 1], [2, 2]]); }); }); describe("forEach", () => { test("calls the specified callback function for each value", () => { const set = new ArraySet(["one", "two"]); const callback = jest.fn(); set.forEach(callback); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(callback).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, "one", "one", set); expect(callback).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, "two", "two", set); }); test("binds the callback function to the provided thisArg", () => { const set = new ArraySet([1, 2]); const thisArg = {}; set.forEach(function (this: typeof thisArg) { expect(this).toBe(thisArg); }, thisArg); }); }); describe("[Symbol.iterator]", () => { test("returns an iterator over the values", () => { const set = new ArraySet(["one", "two"]); const values = Array.from(set[Symbol.iterator]()); expect(values).toEqual(["one", "two"]); }); }); describe("[Symbol.toStringTag]", () => { test("returns 'Set'", () => { const set = new ArraySet(); expect(set[Symbol.toStringTag]).toBe("Set"); }); }); });