import fs from "fs"; import yaml from "yaml"; interface ActionInput { description?: string; required?: boolean; default?: string; unique?: boolean; publisher?: boolean; } export default function processActionYamlTemplate() { processActionTemplate("./action.template.yml", "./action.yml"); } function processActionTemplate(pathIn: string, pathOut: string) { const content = fs.readFileSync(pathIn, "utf8"); const action = yaml.parse(content) as { inputs?: Record<string, ActionInput> }; if (!action.inputs) { action.inputs = {}; } action.inputs = processInputs(action.inputs); const updatedContent = yaml.stringify(action); fs.writeFileSync(pathOut, updatedContent, "utf8"); } function processInputs(inputs: Record<string, ActionInput>) { const publishers = Object.entries(inputs).filter(([_, input]) => input.publisher).map(([key, _]) => key); const nestedInputs = Object.entries(inputs).filter(([key, input]) => !input.publisher && !input.unique && !publishers.find(p => key.startsWith(p))); for (const [key, input] of Object.entries(inputs)) { if (input.publisher) { delete inputs[key]; } delete input.unique; if (typeof input.required !== "boolean") { input.required = false; } if (input.default === undefined) { input.default = "${undefined}"; } } for (const publisher of publishers) { for (const [name, input] of nestedInputs) { inputs[`${publisher}-${name}`] = { ...input }; } } return inputs; }