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import { stringEquals } from "@/utils/string-utils";
import { TypeOfResult, NamedType } from "@/utils/types/type-of";
import { $i } from "@/utils/collections/iterable";
import { getAllNames } from "@/utils/reflection/object-reflector";
* Represents a function that converts a value to some target type.
* @template TInput - The input data type.
* @template UTarget - The target data type.
* @template ROutput - The output data type.
export interface Converter<TInput = unknown, UTarget = unknown, ROutput = unknown> {
* Converts a value to some target type.
* @param value - The value to convert.
* @param target - The target type of the conversion.
* @returns The converted value.
(value: TInput, target: UTarget): ROutput;
* Returns whether the given `obj` is `null`, `undefined`, or `NaN`.
* @param obj - The object to check.
* @returns `true` if the `obj` is `null`, `undefined`, or `NaN`; otherwise, `false`.
function isInvalid(obj: unknown): boolean {
return obj === null || obj === undefined || typeof obj === "number" && isNaN(obj);
* Always returns `undefined`, ignoring the input value.
* @param _obj - The input value to ignore.
* @returns `undefined`.
export function toUndefined(_obj: unknown): undefined {
return undefined;
* Converts the given `obj` to a string.
* @param obj - The object to convert.
* @returns The string representation of `obj`, or `undefined` if the input is `null`, `undefined`, or `NaN`.
export function toString(obj: unknown): string {
return isInvalid(obj) ? undefined : String(obj);
* Converts an input value to a boolean value.
* @param obj - The object to convert.
* @returns The converted boolean value, or `undefined` if the input value cannot be converted to boolean.
export function toBoolean(obj: unknown): boolean {
if (isInvalid(obj)) {
return undefined;
switch (typeof obj) {
case "boolean":
return !!obj;
case "number":
return obj !== 0;
case "string":
if (stringEquals("true", obj, { ignoreCase: true })) {
return true;
if (stringEquals("false", obj, { ignoreCase: true })) {
return false;
return undefined;
* Converts an input value to a number type.
* @param obj - The input value to be converted.
* @param parser - A function to parse the input value.
* @returns The converted number value, or `undefined` if the input value cannot be converted to a number type.
function toNumber(obj: unknown, parser: (value: string | number) => number): number {
if (isInvalid(obj)) {
return undefined;
switch (typeof obj) {
case "number":
return parser(obj);
case "boolean":
return obj ? 1 : 0;
case "string":
const parsedNumber = parser(obj);
return isNaN(parsedNumber) ? undefined : parsedNumber;
case "object":
if (obj instanceof Date && !isNaN(obj.getTime())) {
return obj.getTime();
return undefined;
* Converts an input value to an integer number.
* @param obj - The input value to be converted.
* @returns The converted integer number value, or `undefined` if the input value cannot be converted to an integer number type.
export function toInteger(obj: unknown): number {
return toNumber(obj, parseInt);
* Converts an input value to a floating-point number.
* @param obj - The input value to be converted.
* @returns The converted floating-point number value, or `undefined` if the input value cannot be converted to a floating-point number type.
export function toFloat(obj: unknown): number {
return toNumber(obj, parseFloat);
* Converts a value to a {@link Date}.
* @param obj - The value to convert.
* @returns The converted {@link Date}, or `undefined` if the value is invalid.
export function toDate(obj: unknown): Date {
if (isInvalid(obj)) {
return undefined;
switch (typeof obj) {
case "object":
if (obj instanceof Date && !isNaN(obj.getTime())) {
return obj;
case "string":
case "number":
const date = new Date(obj);
return isNaN(date.getTime()) ? undefined : date;
return undefined;
* The regular expression used to parse a string representation of a regex into its pattern and flags parts.
const REGEX_PARSER_REGEX = /\/(?<pattern>.*)\/(?<flags>[a-z]*)/;
* Converts a value to a {@link RegExp}.
* @param obj - The value to convert.
* @returns A {@link RegExp} representing the given `obj`, or `undefined` if the input is invalid or cannot be converted to a regex.
export function toRegExp(obj: unknown): RegExp | undefined {
if (obj instanceof RegExp) {
return obj;
if (typeof obj !== "string") {
return undefined;
const match = obj.match(REGEX_PARSER_REGEX);
if (!match) {
return undefined;
try {
return new RegExp(match.groups.pattern, match.groups.flags);
} catch {
return undefined;
* A type alias for `globalThis`, the global object in a runtime environment.
type GlobalThis = typeof globalThis;
* A constructor function that creates instances of a given type.
type Constructor<T> = new (...args: unknown[]) => T;
* Represents the return type of a constructor function.
* @template T - The constructor function to extract the return type from.
type ConstructorReturnType<T> = T extends Constructor<infer U> ? U : never;
* Represents a member of the `globalThis` object that can be constructed.
* @template T - The name of the member of the `globalThis` object to check for constructibility.
type ConstructibleGlobalThisMember<T extends keyof GlobalThis> = GlobalThis[T] extends Constructor<unknown> ? T : never;
* The prefixes that indicate a method is a conversion method.
const CONVERT_METHOD_PREFIXES = ["convert", "from"] as const;
* A function that converts an unknown value to a typed value of a given type.
type Convert<T> = (obj: unknown) => T;
* Obtains the type of a method on a class or object that performs a conversion using a {@link Convert} function.
type ConvertMethod<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Convert<unknown>
? K extends `${typeof CONVERT_METHOD_PREFIXES[number]}${string}`
? T[K]
: never
: never;
}[keyof T];
* A type that is convertible if it has at least one method that performs a conversion using a {@link Convert} function.
type Convertible<T> = ConvertMethod<T> extends never ? never : T;
* Represents a member of the `globalThis` object that is "convertible" based on whether it has at least one method that performs conversion using a {@link Convert} function.
* @template T - The name of the member of the `globalThis` object to check for convertibility.
type ConvertibleGlobalThisMember<T extends keyof GlobalThis> = ConvertMethod<GlobalThis[T]> extends never ? never : T;
* The prefixes that indicate a method is a parsing method.
const PARSE_METHOD_PREFIXES = ["parse"] as const;
* A function that parses a string and returns a value of a given type.
type Parse<T> = (pattern: string) => T;
* Obtains the type of a method on a class or object that performs parsing using a {@link Parse} function.
type ParseMethod<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Parse<unknown>
? K extends `${typeof PARSE_METHOD_PREFIXES[number]}${string}`
? T[K]
: never
: never;
}[keyof T];
* Represents a type `T` which is considered "parsable" if it has at least one method that performs parsing using a {@link Parse} function.
type Parsable<T> = ParseMethod<T> extends never ? never : T;
* Represents a member of the `globalThis` object that is "parsable" based on whether it has at least one method that performs parsing using a {@link Parse} function.
* @template T - The name of the member of the `globalThis` object to check for parsability.
type ParsableGlobalThisMember<T extends keyof GlobalThis> = ParseMethod<GlobalThis[T]> extends never ? never : T;
* Retrieves a `Converter` function from the given object, if one is defined.
* @param obj - The object to retrieve the `Converter` function from.
* @returns A `Converter` function that can convert an unknown value to the target type `T`, or `undefined` if none was found.
function getConverter<T>(obj: unknown): Convert<T> | undefined {
// Attempt to retrieve a `Converter` function from the object using the conversion method prefixes.
const converter = getParseLikeFunction(obj, CONVERT_METHOD_PREFIXES) as Convert<T>;
// If a `Converter` function was found, return it.
if (converter) {
return converter;
// Otherwise, attempt to retrieve a `Parser` function from the object and create a `Converter` function that uses it.
const parser = getParser<T>(obj);
if (parser) {
return x => typeof x === "string" ? parser(x) : undefined;
// If neither a `Converter` nor a `Parser` function was found, return undefined.
return undefined;
* Retrieves a `Parser` function from the given object, if one is defined.
* @param obj - The object to retrieve the `Parser` function from.
* @returns A `Parser` function that can parse a string to the target type `T`, or `undefined` if none was found.
function getParser<T>(obj: unknown): Parse<T> | undefined {
// Attempt to retrieve a `Parser` function from the object using the parsing method prefixes.
return getParseLikeFunction(obj, PARSE_METHOD_PREFIXES) as Parse<T>;
* Attempts to retrieve a parsing method from the given object using the specified prefixes.
* @param obj - The object to retrieve the method from.
* @param prefixes - The list of method name prefixes to search for.
* @returns The first matching parse-like function that was found, or `undefined` if none were found.
function getParseLikeFunction(obj: unknown, prefixes: readonly string[]): (obj: unknown) => unknown {
// If the object is invalid, return undefined.
if (isInvalid(obj)) {
return undefined;
// Find all method names on the object that start with one of the specified prefixes.
const propertyNames = getAllNames(obj);
const parseMethodNames = $i(propertyNames).filter(x => typeof obj[x] === "function" && prefixes.some(p => x.startsWith(p)));
// Determine the first parse-like method name by sorting them based on prefix precedence and taking the first result.
const firstParseMethodName = $i(parseMethodNames).min(
(a, b) => prefixes.findIndex(p => a.startsWith(p)) - prefixes.findIndex(p => b.startsWith(p))
// If no parse-like method names were found, return undefined.
if (!firstParseMethodName) {
return undefined;
// Return a function that invokes the first parse-like method with the specified input.
return x => obj[firstParseMethodName](x);
* Map of known constructors and their corresponding converters.
const KNOWN_CONSTRUCTORS = new Map<Constructor<unknown>, Convert<unknown>>([
[String, toString],
[Number, toFloat],
[Boolean, toBoolean],
[Date, toDate],
[RegExp, toRegExp],
* Map of known types and their corresponding converters.
const KNOWN_TYPES = new Map<TypeOfResult, Convert<unknown>>([
["string", toString],
["number", toFloat],
["boolean", toBoolean],
["undefined", toUndefined],
* Converts a given object to the target type.
* @template T - The type of the returned value.
* @param obj - Value to be converted.
* @param type - Name of the type to convert the value to.
* @returns The converted value, or `undefined` if the conversion fails.
export function toType<T extends TypeOfResult>(obj: unknown, type: T): NamedType<T>;
* Converts a given object to the target type.
* @template T - A key of the `globalThis` object that represents the type to convert to, which must be a constructible type.
* @param obj - The unknown value to convert.
* @param type - The name of the constructor function corresponding to the target type `T`.
* @returns The converted value, or `undefined` if the conversion fails.
export function toType<T extends keyof GlobalThis>(obj: unknown, type: T & ConstructibleGlobalThisMember<T>): ConstructorReturnType<GlobalThis[T]>;
* Converts a given object to the target type.
* @template T - A key of the `globalThis` object that represents the type to convert to, which must have at least one method with a signature that matches the {@link ConvertMethod} type.
* @param obj - The unknown value to convert.
* @param type - The name of the convertible method corresponding to the target type `T`.
* @returns The converted value, or `undefined` if the conversion fails.
export function toType<T extends keyof GlobalThis>(obj: unknown, type: T & ConvertibleGlobalThisMember<T>): ReturnType<ConvertMethod<GlobalThis[T]>>;
* Parses the given string as the target type.
* @template T - A key of the `globalThis` object that represents the type to convert to, which must have at least one method with a signature that matches the {@link ParseMethod} type.
* @param obj - The string to parse and convert.
* @param type - The name of the parsing method corresponding to the target type `T`.
* @returns The parsed value, or `undefined` if the parsing fails.
export function toType<T extends keyof GlobalThis>(obj: string, type: T & ParsableGlobalThisMember<T>): ReturnType<ParseMethod<GlobalThis[T]>>;
* Converts a given object to the target type.
* @template T - The type of the returned value.
* @param obj - Value to be converted.
* @param convertible - Convertible type to convert the value to.
* @returns The converted value, or `undefined` if the conversion fails.
export function toType<T>(obj: unknown, convertible: T & Convertible<T>): ReturnType<ConvertMethod<T>>;
* Parses the given string as the target type.
* @template T - The type of the returned value.
* @param s - String to be parsed.
* @param parsable - Parsable type to convert the value to.
* @returns The parsed value, or `undefined` if the parsing fails.
export function toType<T>(s: string, parsable: T & Parsable<T>): ReturnType<ParseMethod<T>>;
* Converts a given object to the target type.
* @template T - The type of the returned value.
* @param obj - Value to be converted.
* @param constructor - Constructor of the type to convert the value to.
* @returns The converted value, or `undefined` if the conversion fails.
export function toType<T>(obj: unknown, constructor: Constructor<T>): T;
* A function that converts an unknown object to an unknown target type.
* @template T - The type to convert the value to.
* @param obj - The value to convert.
* @param target - The type or constructor function to use for the conversion.
* @returns The converted value of type `T`, or `undefined` if the conversion fails.
export function toType<T = unknown>(obj: unknown, target: unknown): T;
* Converts an object to the specified target type.
* @param obj - The object to convert.
* @param target - The target type to convert to.
* @returns An object of the specified target type, or `undefined` if the conversion failed.
export function toType(obj: unknown, target: unknown): unknown {
// If the input object is invalid, return undefined.
if (isInvalid(obj)) {
return undefined;
if (typeof target === "string") {
// If the target is a string representing a known type, use the corresponding conversion function.
const knownConverter = KNOWN_TYPES.get(target as TypeOfResult);
if (knownConverter) {
return knownConverter(obj);
// If the target is a key of the `globalThis` object, convert the input to its type.
const globalThisMember = globalThis[target];
if (globalThisMember) {
return toType(obj, globalThisMember);
return undefined;
// If the target is a known constructor function, use its corresponding conversion function.
if (typeof target === "function" && KNOWN_CONSTRUCTORS.has(target as Constructor<unknown>)) {
const knownConverter = KNOWN_CONSTRUCTORS.get(target as Constructor<unknown>);
return knownConverter(obj);
try {
// Attempt to retrieve a converter function from the target type.
const converter = getConverter(target);
// If the converter function was found, use it to convert the input object.
if (converter !== undefined) {
const converted = converter(obj);
return isInvalid(converted) ? undefined : converted;
// If no converter function was found, assume that target is a constructor,
// since we've exhausted every over possibility.
return new (target as Constructor<unknown>)(obj);
} catch {
// If an error occurs during conversion, return undefined.
return undefined;