2022-04-12 10:28:29 -05:00
.sqlfluff SQLFluff 0.12.0 upgrade () 2022-04-12 10:28:29 -05:00 SQLFluff 0.12.0 upgrade () 2022-04-12 10:28:29 -05:00
sqlfluff_bad_1.sql Sqlfluff () 2021-08-05 15:32:27 -05:00
sqlfluff_good_1.sql Sqlfluff () 2021-08-05 15:32:27 -05:00

SQL Fluff Test Cases

This folder holds the test cases for SQL.

Additional Docs

From version 0.12.0 SQLFluff requires a dialect to be set, and no longer sets a default. This can be provided as a command line argument, or a .sqlfluff config file (either in the usualy place for SQLFluff config files, or within the folder containg the SQL).

For SQLFluff we have added a default .sqlfluff config file in this test directory.

Good Test Cases

The test cases denoted: LANGUAGE_good_FILE.EXTENSION are all valid, and should pass successfully when linted.

  • Note: They are linted utilizing the default linter rules.

Bad Test Cases

The test cases denoted: LANGUAGE_bad_FILE.EXTENSION are NOT valid, and should trigger errors when linted.

  • Note: They are linted utilizing the default linter rules.