TAP version 13
not ok 1 - Dockerfile
  message: \nFile    /tmp/lint/.automation/test/dockerfile/bad/Dockerfile\nIssues  6\n\nLine 1  from node latest\nIssue  Category      Title                 Description\n    1  Clarity       Capitalize            For clarity and readability, all instructions in a Dockerfile\n                     Dockerfile            should be uppercase.\n                     Instructions          This is a convention adopted by most of the official images and\n                                           greatly improves readability in long Dockerfiles.  For an example\n                                           of\n                                           why this makes a difference, check out the current [redis\n                                           Dockerfile](https //github.com/docker-library/redis/blob/b375650fb6\n                                           9b7db819e90c0033433c705b28656e/3.0/Dockerfile)\n                                           and you should be able to easily see the instructions used.\n    2  Clarity       Base Image Latest     Base images should not use the latest tag.\n                     Tag\n\nLine 4  run mkdir -p /usr/src/app\nIssue  Category      Title                 Description\n    3  Clarity       Capitalize            For clarity and readability, all instructions in a Dockerfile\n                     Dockerfile            should be uppercase.\n                     Instructions          This is a convention adopted by most of the official images and\n                                           greatly improves readability in long Dockerfiles.  For an example\n                                           of\n                                           why this makes a difference, check out the current [redis\n                                           Dockerfile](https //github.com/docker-library/redis/blob/b375650fb6\n                                           9b7db819e90c0033433c705b28656e/3.0/Dockerfile)\n                                           and you should be able to easily see the instructions used.\n\nLine 8  copy package.json /usr/src/app/ /here/there\nIssue  Category      Title                 Description\n    4  Clarity       Capitalize            For clarity and readability, all instructions in a Dockerfile\n                     Dockerfile            should be uppercase.\n                     Instructions          This is a convention adopted by most of the official images and\n                                           greatly improves readability in long Dockerfiles.  For an example\n                                           of\n                                           why this makes a difference, check out the current [redis\n                                           Dockerfile](https //github.com/docker-library/redis/blob/b375650fb6\n                                           9b7db819e90c0033433c705b28656e/3.0/Dockerfile)\n                                           and you should be able to easily see the instructions used.\n\nLine 9  RUN sudo npm install\nIssue  Category      Title                 Description\n    5  Possible Bug  Use Of sudo Is Not    Use of `sudo` is not allowed in a Dockerfile.  From the official\n                     Allowed               document [Best practices for writing\n                                           Dockerfiles](https //docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/doc\n                                           kerfile_best-practices/) \n                                           > You should avoid installing or using `sudo` since it has\n                                           unpredictable TTY and signal-forwarding behavior that can cause\n                                           more problems than it solves.\n                                           > If you absolutely need functionality similar to `sudo` (e.g.,\n                                           initializing the daemon as root but running it as non-root), you\n                                           may be able to use `gosu`.\n\nLine 14  ENtrypoint /tmp/here.sh\nIssue  Category      Title                 Description\n    6  Clarity       Capitalize            For clarity and readability, all instructions in a Dockerfile\n                     Dockerfile            should be uppercase.\n                     Instructions          This is a convention adopted by most of the official images and\n                                           greatly improves readability in long Dockerfiles.  For an example\n                                           of\n                                           why this makes a difference, check out the current [redis\n                                           Dockerfile](https //github.com/docker-library/redis/blob/b375650fb6\n                                           9b7db819e90c0033433c705b28656e/3.0/Dockerfile)\n                                           and you should be able to easily see the instructions used.\n
ok 2 - Dockerfile
ok 3 - Dockerfile.dev