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name: Enhancement Request
about: Used for requesting enhancements to the GitHub Super-Linter


**What is the current behavior, if applicable?**

**What is the desired behavior?**

**Your impression of priority / how important this request is**

- [ ] Critical: Can't use the tool without it.
- [ ] Business Critical: Immediate opportunity to win business with this feature
- [ ] Important: Will significantly enhance the overall utility of the demo
- [ ] Nice to have: self-explanatory

**Business case or other information justifying priority**

**Agreed upon priority**
- [ ] Critical: Can't use the tool without it.
- [ ] Business Critical: Immediate opportunity to win business with this feature
- [ ] Important: Will significantly enhance the overall utility of the demo
- [ ] Nice to have: self-explanatory

**Other information** (e.g. detailed explanation, stacktraces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. stackoverflow, gitter, etc)
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