- Update devcontainer by setting Prettier as a formatter only for
supported languages.
- Install only the VS Code extensions that we need for Super-linter
- Remove the devcontainer as soon as it's not needed to avoid leaving
leftovers behind.
- Enable proseWrap in Prettier configuration.
- Update documentation about how to configure new linters.
- Fix linting issues.
Remove the H1 heading from the PR template because GitHub automatically
add the commit description before emitting the PR template, so
contributors don't have to manually cut-paste the commit description
after the H1 heading.
Given the amount of issues due to using outdated versions:
- Require users to reproduce issues with the latest Super-linter
- Remind users to use super-linter/super-linter, and not the deprecated
- Ask contributors to check that CI jobs pass.
- Ask maintainers to put a PR in a milestone.
- Fix GITHUB_BEFORE_SHA initialization on push events by setting the
correct key.
- Add an additional check against setting GITHUB_BEFORE_SHA to null.
- Run the CI workflow on push events to trigger required status checks
when using the merge queue.
- Run jscpd, gitleaks, textlint against the entire workspace instead of
running them over single files, one by one.
- Implement a warning function for deprecated variables.
- Deprecate the VALIDATE_JSCPD_ALL_CODEBASE variable.
- Remove duplicate configuration files when they are the same as the
ones we provide in TEMPLATES.
- Add a missing tests for ansible-lint.
- Move ANSIBLE_DIRECTORY configuration when running tests in
buildFileList, where similar configs are.
- Simplify ansible-lint test cases to include only what's necessary, and
not an entire set of roles, playbooks, and inventory.
- Write instructions about major upgrades in the upgrade guide.
- Check if the PR contains a single commit, and fail otherwise.
- Enable commitlint to check if commits adhere to the
conventialcommits.org spec.
- Update the the pull request template to point to the conventional
commit spec.
- Update the dependabot configuration to add the "build(...)" prefix to