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#### Jenkins Launch Job @LukasG ########################
# Imports #
import json
import string
import os
import subprocess
import requests
import os.path
import commands
import sys
jenkinsJob = "" # Job passed from command line to run
triggerJobUrl = "" # Url of the created trigger job
parameters = "" # parameters string passed from command line
# Jenkins Variables #
user = os.environ.get('HUBOT_JENKINS_AUTH_USER') # User to connect to Jenkins
key = os.environ.get('HUBOT_JENKINS_AUTH_PASSWD') # API key to connect with
jenkinsUrl = os.environ.get('HUBOT_JENKINS_SHORT_URL') # jenkins url
token = os.environ.get('HUBOT_JENKINS_SECRET') # Special key
################### SUB ROUTINES BELOW ###################
#### SUB ROUTINE StartJob ################################
def StartJob():
# Build the master Url
url = ""
if (parameters == "NONE" or parameters =="null"):
url = "http://%s:%s@%s/job/%s/build?token=%s" % (user,key,jenkinsUrl,jenkinsJob,token)
url = "http://%s:%s@%s/job/%s/buildWithParameters?%s&token=%s" % (user,key,jenkinsUrl,jenkinsJob,parameters,token)
# Print url for debug
#print "Url:[%s]" %(url)
# build the header
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
# Send the request
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers)
# Check the response
#print "Response:[%s]" % (response)
if (response.status_code != 201):
print "Failed to Launch Jenkins job:[%s]!" % (jenkinsJob)
#print response.status_code
#print response.json()
#print response.headers['content-type']
# Need to get Location from headers
#print response.headers['location']
location = response.headers['location']
# Allow jenkins to queue
# Need to get the jobid
# Closing prints
print "Jenkins Job Link:"
# Removing http:// to shorten the length
cleanedUrl = triggerJobUrl[7:]
# Print the goods
print "http://%s" % (cleanedUrl)
#### SUB ROUTINE AllowQueue ##############################
def AllowQueue():
# Need to sleep for some time to allow jenkins to set the job
# Jenkins is a dumb bastard who queues shit up, then waits for it to get a real job
# So we must wait for it...
cmd = "sleep 13s 2>&1"
#print "Waiting for few secods to allow jenkins to queue job"
status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
#print "Status:[%s]" % (status)
#print "Output:[%s]" % (output)
# We have a success
#if (status == 0):
#### SUB ROUTINE GetJobId ################################
def GetJobId(location):
# Load Globals
global triggerJobUrl
# Need to get the number out of the location string
# example: http://internal-jenkins-elb-340832960.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com/queue/item/29529/
# Remove any space chars
location.replace(" ","")
# Remove the trailing "/" char
location = location[:-1]
# Split the string on the last "/"
var1,var2 = location.rsplit('/',1)
location = var2
# Need to call jenkins with the queued location to get back job
url = "http://%s:%s@%s/queue/item/%s/api/json" % (user,key,jenkinsUrl,location)
# Build the header
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
# Call to jenkins
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers)
# check the response back from Jenkins
if (response.status_code != 200):
genericLink = "%s/job/%s" % (jenkinsUrl,jenkinsJob)
print "Failed to get specific Jenkins job Url!"
print "Generic Link:"
print "%s" % (genericLink)
#print response.json()
#print response.status_code
# Need to convert to json for parsing
response = response.json()
# Try to pull out the ProjectID
triggerJobUrl = response['executable']['url']
#print "New Url:[%s]" % (triggerJobUrl)
genericLink = "%s/job/%s" % (jenkinsUrl,jenkinsJob)
print "Failed to get specific jenkinsJob job Url!"
print "Generic Link:"
print "%s" % (genericLink)
########################## MAIN ##########################
# Need to split if there passed as a single var
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
# Need to see if we have job and parameters
if "," in sys.argv[1]:
#print "DEBUG --- JenkinsJob:[%s]" % (jenkinsJob)
#print "DEBUG --- Paramaters:[%s]" % (parameters)
print "usage: python {0} <JenkinsJob><,OptionalParametersString>]".format(sys.argv[0])
# Start the orphan Job