|data | Request Body Content:<br>- text content like JSON or XML<br>- key=value pairs separated by '&' and contentType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded<br><br>only for POST / PUT / PATCH Requests | '{}' |
|files | Map of key / absolute file paths send as multipart/form-data request to the API, if set the contentType is set to multipart/form-data, values provided by data will be added as additional FormData values, nested objects are not supported. **Example provided in the _test_ Workflow of this Action** | '{}' |
|file | Single absolute file path send as `application/octet-stream` request to the API, if set the contentType is set to `application/octet-stream`. This input will be ignored if either `data` or `files` input is present. **Example provided in the _test_ Workflow of this Action** ||
To display HTTP response data in the GitHub Actions log give the request an `id` and access its `outputs`. You can also access specific field from the response data using [fromJson()](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/expressions#fromjson) expression.
To [enable debug logging in GitHub Actions](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/managing-workflow-runs/enabling-debug-logging) create a secret `ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG` with a value of `true`