import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as gpg from '../src/gpg'; const userInfo = { pgp: fs.readFileSync('.github/test-key.pgp', { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' }), passphrase: fs.readFileSync('.github/test-key.pass', { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' }), name: 'Joe Tester', email: '', keyID: 'D523BD50DD70B0BA', fingerprint: '27571A53B86AF0C799B38BA77D851EB72D73BDA0', keygrip: '3E2D1142AA59E08E16B7E2C64BA6DDC773B1A627' }; describe('gpg', () => { describe('getVersion', () => { it('returns GnuPG and libgcrypt version', async () => { await gpg.getVersion().then(version => { console.log(version); expect(version.gnupg).not.toEqual(''); expect(version.libgcrypt).not.toEqual(''); }); }); }); describe('getDirs', () => { it('returns GnuPG dirs', async () => { await gpg.getDirs().then(dirs => { console.log(dirs); expect(dirs.libdir).not.toEqual(''); expect(dirs.datadir).not.toEqual(''); expect(dirs.homedir).not.toEqual(''); }); }); }); describe('importKey', () => { it('imports key (as armored string) to GnuPG', async () => { await gpg.importKey(userInfo.pgp).then(output => { console.log(output); expect(output).not.toEqual(''); }); }); it('imports key (as base64 string) to GnuPG', async () => { await gpg.importKey(Buffer.from(userInfo.pgp).toString('base64')).then(output => { console.log(output); expect(output).not.toEqual(''); }); }); }); describe('getKeygrip', () => { it('returns the keygrip', async () => { await gpg.importKey(userInfo.pgp); await gpg.getKeygrip(userInfo.fingerprint).then(keygrip => { console.log(keygrip); expect(keygrip).toEqual(userInfo.keygrip); }); }); }); describe('configureAgent', () => { it('configures GnuPG agent', async () => { await gpg.configureAgent(gpg.agentConfig); }); }); describe('presetPassphrase', () => { it('presets passphrase', async () => { await gpg.importKey(userInfo.pgp); const keygrip = await gpg.getKeygrip(userInfo.fingerprint); await gpg.configureAgent(gpg.agentConfig); await gpg.presetPassphrase(keygrip, userInfo.passphrase).then(output => { console.log(output); expect(output).not.toEqual(''); }); }); }); describe('deleteKey', () => { it('removes key from GnuPG', async () => { await gpg.importKey(userInfo.pgp); await gpg.deleteKey(userInfo.fingerprint); }); }); describe('killAgent', () => { it('kills GnuPG agent', async () => { await gpg.killAgent(); }); }); });