mirror of
synced 2024-12-25 20:52:06 -05:00
Update generated content
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 86 additions and 40 deletions
@ -18,10 +18,7 @@ const userInfo = {
email: 'joe@foo.bar',
keyID: 'D523BD50DD70B0BA',
fingerprint: '27571A53B86AF0C799B38BA77D851EB72D73BDA0',
keygrips: [
keygrips: ['3E2D1142AA59E08E16B7E2C64BA6DDC773B1A627', 'BA83FC8947213477F28ADC019F6564A956456163']
describe('gpg', () => {
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.killAgent = exports.deleteKey = exports.presetPassphrase = exports.configureAgent = exports.getKeygrip = exports.importKey = exports.getDirs = exports.getVersion = exports.agentConfig = void 0;
exports.killAgent = exports.deleteKey = exports.presetPassphrase = exports.configureAgent = exports.getKeygrips = exports.importKey = exports.getDirs = exports.getVersion = exports.agentConfig = void 0;
const fs = __importStar(__webpack_require__(747));
const path = __importStar(__webpack_require__(622));
const os = __importStar(__webpack_require__(87));
@ -189,19 +189,18 @@ exports.importKey = (key) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
exports.getKeygrip = (fingerprint) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
exports.getKeygrips = (fingerprint) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return yield exec.exec('gpg', ['--batch', '--with-colons', '--with-keygrip', '--list-secret-keys', fingerprint], true).then(res => {
if (res.stderr != '' && !res.success) {
throw new Error(res.stderr);
let keygrip = '';
let keygrips = [];
for (let line of res.stdout.replace(/\r/g, '').trim().split(/\n/g)) {
if (line.startsWith('grp')) {
keygrip = line.replace(/(grp|:)/g, '').trim();
keygrips.push(line.replace(/(grp|:)/g, '').trim());
return keygrip;
return keygrips;
exports.configureAgent = (config) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
@ -322,13 +321,13 @@ function run() {
if (process.env.PASSPHRASE) {
core.info('⚙️ Configuring GnuPG agent');
yield gpg.configureAgent(gpg.agentConfig);
core.info('📌 Getting keygrip');
const keygrip = yield gpg.getKeygrip(privateKey.fingerprint);
core.info('🔓 Presetting passphrase');
yield gpg.presetPassphrase(keygrip, process.env.PASSPHRASE).then(stdout => {
core.info('📌 Getting keygrips');
for (let keygrip of yield gpg.getKeygrips(privateKey.fingerprint)) {
core.info(`🔓 Presetting passphrase for ${keygrip}`);
yield gpg.presetPassphrase(keygrip, process.env.PASSPHRASE).then(stdout => {
core.info('🛒 Setting outputs...');
core.setOutput('fingerprint', privateKey.fingerprint);
@ -406,7 +405,7 @@ module.exports = require("child_process");
/***/ 144:
/***/ (function(module) {
/*! OpenPGP.js v4.10.7 - 2020-07-21 - this is LGPL licensed code, see LICENSE/our website https://openpgpjs.org/ for more information. */
/*! OpenPGP.js v4.10.8 - 2020-08-28 - this is LGPL licensed code, see LICENSE/our website https://openpgpjs.org/ for more information. */
(function(f){if(true){module.exports=f()}else { var g; }})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c=require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u=require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){
(function (global){
"use strict";
@ -25419,6 +25418,14 @@ exports.default = {
* @property {Boolean} revocations_expire If true, expired revocation signatures are ignored
revocations_expire: false,
* Allow decryption using RSA keys without `encrypt` flag.
* This setting is potentially insecure, but it is needed to get around an old openpgpjs bug
* where key flags were ignored when selecting a key for encryption.
* @memberof module:config
* @property {Boolean} allow_insecure_decryption_with_signing_keys
allow_insecure_decryption_with_signing_keys: false,
* @memberof module:config
@ -25460,7 +25467,7 @@ exports.default = {
* @memberof module:config
* @property {String} versionstring A version string to be included in armored messages
versionstring: "OpenPGP.js v4.10.7",
versionstring: "OpenPGP.js v4.10.8",
* @memberof module:config
* @property {String} commentstring A comment string to be included in armored messages
@ -34236,6 +34243,7 @@ exports.isAeadSupported = isAeadSupported;
exports.sanitizeKeyOptions = sanitizeKeyOptions;
exports.isValidSigningKeyPacket = isValidSigningKeyPacket;
exports.isValidEncryptionKeyPacket = isValidEncryptionKeyPacket;
exports.isValidDecryptionKeyPacket = isValidDecryptionKeyPacket;
var _packet = require('../packet');
@ -34587,6 +34595,20 @@ function isValidEncryptionKeyPacket(keyPacket, signature) {
return keyPacket.algorithm !== _enums2.default.read(_enums2.default.publicKey, _enums2.default.publicKey.dsa) && keyPacket.algorithm !== _enums2.default.read(_enums2.default.publicKey, _enums2.default.publicKey.rsa_sign) && keyPacket.algorithm !== _enums2.default.read(_enums2.default.publicKey, _enums2.default.publicKey.ecdsa) && keyPacket.algorithm !== _enums2.default.read(_enums2.default.publicKey, _enums2.default.publicKey.eddsa) && (!signature.keyFlags || (signature.keyFlags[0] & _enums2.default.keyFlags.encrypt_communication) !== 0 || (signature.keyFlags[0] & _enums2.default.keyFlags.encrypt_storage) !== 0);
function isValidDecryptionKeyPacket(signature) {
if (!signature.verified) {
// Sanity check
throw new Error('Signature not verified');
if (_config2.default.allow_insecure_decryption_with_signing_keys) {
// This is only relevant for RSA keys, all other signing ciphers cannot decrypt
return true;
return !signature.keyFlags || (signature.keyFlags[0] & _enums2.default.keyFlags.encrypt_communication) !== 0 || (signature.keyFlags[0] & _enums2.default.keyFlags.encrypt_storage) !== 0;
'use strict';
@ -34992,16 +35014,14 @@ Key.prototype.getEncryptionKey = async function (keyId, date = new Date(), userI
* @async
Key.prototype.getDecryptionKeys = async function (keyId, date = new Date(), userId = {}) {
await this.verifyPrimaryKey(date, userId);
const primaryKey = this.keyPacket;
const keys = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.subKeys.length; i++) {
if (!keyId || this.subKeys[i].getKeyId().equals(keyId, true)) {
try {
await this.subKeys[i].verify(primaryKey, date);
const dataToVerify = { key: primaryKey, bind: this.subKeys[i].keyPacket };
const bindingSignature = await helper.getLatestValidSignature(this.subKeys[i].bindingSignatures, primaryKey, _enums2.default.signature.subkey_binding, dataToVerify, date);
if (bindingSignature && helper.isValidEncryptionKeyPacket(this.subKeys[i].keyPacket, bindingSignature)) {
if (bindingSignature && helper.isValidDecryptionKeyPacket(bindingSignature)) {
} catch (e) {}
@ -35010,7 +35030,7 @@ Key.prototype.getDecryptionKeys = async function (keyId, date = new Date(), user
// evaluate primary key
const primaryUser = await this.getPrimaryUser(date, userId);
if ((!keyId || primaryKey.getKeyId().equals(keyId, true)) && helper.isValidEncryptionKeyPacket(primaryKey, primaryUser.selfCertification)) {
if ((!keyId || primaryKey.getKeyId().equals(keyId, true)) && helper.isValidDecryptionKeyPacket(primaryUser.selfCertification)) {
@ -35100,7 +35120,7 @@ Key.prototype.validate = async function () {
let signingKeyPacket;
if (!this.keyPacket.isDummy()) {
if (!this.primaryKey.isDummy()) {
signingKeyPacket = this.primaryKey;
} else {
@ -35616,9 +35636,9 @@ SubKey.prototype.isRevoked = async function (primaryKey, signature, key, date =
* Verify subkey. Checks for revocation signatures, expiration time
* and valid binding signature. Throws if the subkey is invalid.
* @param {module:packet.SecretKey|
* module:packet.PublicKey} primaryKey The primary key packet
* @param {Date} date Use the given date instead of the current time
* @returns {Promise<true>} The status of the subkey
* module:packet.PublicKey} primaryKey The primary key packet
* @param {Date} date Use the given date instead of the current time
* @returns {Promise<undefined>}
* @async
SubKey.prototype.verify = async function (primaryKey, date = new Date()) {
@ -40199,6 +40219,11 @@ PublicKeyEncryptedSessionKey.prototype.encrypt = async function (key) {
PublicKeyEncryptedSessionKey.prototype.decrypt = async function (key) {
const algo = _enums2.default.write(_enums2.default.publicKey, this.publicKeyAlgorithm);
const keyAlgo = _enums2.default.write(_enums2.default.publicKey, key.algorithm);
// check that session key algo matches the secret key algo
if (algo !== keyAlgo) {
throw new Error('Decryption error');
const decoded = await _crypto2.default.publicKeyDecrypt(algo, key.params, this.encrypted, key.getFingerprintBytes());
const checksum = _util2.default.str_to_Uint8Array(decoded.substr(decoded.length - 2));
key = _util2.default.str_to_Uint8Array(decoded.substring(1, decoded.length - 2));
@ -40573,6 +40598,26 @@ SecretKey.prototype.isDummy = function () {
return !!(this.s2k && this.s2k.type === 'gnu-dummy');
* Remove private key material, converting the key to a dummy one
* The resulting key cannot be used for signing/decrypting but can still verify signatures
SecretKey.prototype.makeDummy = function () {
if (this.isDummy()) {
if (!this.isDecrypted()) {
// this is technically not needed, but makes the conversion simpler
throw new Error("Key is not decrypted");
this.isEncrypted = false;
this.s2k = new _s2k2.default();
this.s2k.algorithm = 0;
this.s2k.c = 0;
this.s2k.type = 'gnu-dummy';
* Encrypt the payload. By default, we use aes256 and iterated, salted string
* to key specifier. If the key is in a decrypted state (isEncrypted === false)
@ -40908,7 +40953,8 @@ function Signature(date = new Date()) {
this.revocationKeyAlgorithm = null;
this.revocationKeyFingerprint = null;
this.issuerKeyId = new _keyid2.default();
this.notations = [];
this.rawNotations = [];
this.notations = {};
this.preferredHashAlgorithms = null;
this.preferredCompressionAlgorithms = null;
this.keyServerPreferences = null;
@ -41068,13 +41114,14 @@ Signature.prototype.write_hashed_sub_packets = function () {
bytes = _util2.default.concat([bytes, this.revocationKeyFingerprint]);
arr.push(write_sub_packet(sub.revocation_key, bytes));
this.notations.forEach(([name, value]) => {
bytes = [new Uint8Array([0x80, 0, 0, 0])];
this.rawNotations.forEach(([{ name, value, humanReadable }]) => {
bytes = [new Uint8Array([humanReadable ? 0x80 : 0, 0, 0, 0])];
// 2 octets of name length
bytes.push(_util2.default.writeNumber(name.length, 2));
// 2 octets of value length
bytes.push(_util2.default.writeNumber(value.length, 2));
bytes.push(_util2.default.str_to_Uint8Array(name + value));
bytes = _util2.default.concat(bytes);
arr.push(write_sub_packet(sub.notation_data, bytes));
@ -41270,9 +41317,10 @@ Signature.prototype.read_sub_packet = function (bytes, trusted = true) {
case 20:
// Notation Data
// We don't know how to handle anything but a text flagged data.
if (bytes[mypos] === 0x80) {
// Notation Data
const humanReadable = !!(bytes[mypos] & 0x80);
// We extract key/value tuple from the byte stream.
mypos += 4;
const m = _util2.default.readNumber(bytes.subarray(mypos, mypos + 2));
@ -41281,17 +41329,19 @@ Signature.prototype.read_sub_packet = function (bytes, trusted = true) {
mypos += 2;
const name = _util2.default.Uint8Array_to_str(bytes.subarray(mypos, mypos + m));
const value = _util2.default.Uint8Array_to_str(bytes.subarray(mypos + m, mypos + m + n));
const value = bytes.subarray(mypos + m, mypos + m + n);
this.notations.push([name, value]);
this.rawNotations.push({ name, humanReadable, value });
if (humanReadable) {
this.notations[name] = _util2.default.Uint8Array_to_str(value);
if (critical && _config2.default.known_notations.indexOf(name) === -1) {
throw new Error("Unknown critical notation: " + name);
} else {
_util2.default.print_debug("Unsupported notation flag " + bytes[mypos]);
case 21:
// Preferred Hash Algorithms
read_array('preferredHashAlgorithms', bytes.subarray(mypos, bytes.length));
@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ export const importKey = async (key: string): Promise<string> => {
export const getKeygrips = async (fingerprint: string): Promise<Array<string>> => {
return await exec.exec('gpg', ['--batch', '--with-colons', '--with-keygrip', '--list-secret-keys', fingerprint], true).then(res => {
if (res.stderr != '' && !res.success) {
Reference in a new issue