const { slugify, getRepositoryOwner, getRepositoryName, getRefName, getShaShort, } = require('./index'); test('slugifies text', () => { expect(slugify(' /abc+efg*123/test§xyz ')).toEqual('abc-efg-123-test-xyz'); }); test('slugifies a text to a maximum length', () => { expect(slugify(' /abc+efg*123/test§xyz 1234567 /(ö) ', 16)) .toEqual('abc-efg-123-test'); }); test('slugifies a text to a maximum length with trailing dash', () => { expect(slugify(' /abc+efg*123/test§xyz 1234567 /(ö) ', 17)) .toEqual('abc-efg-123-test'); }); test('slugifies ref name with dash', () => { expect(slugify('feat/feature-branch-1')).toEqual('feat-feature-branch-1'); }); test('slugifies empty text', () => { expect(slugify('')).toEqual(''); }); test('gets repository owner', () => { expect(getRepositoryOwner('FranzDiebold/github-env-vars-action')) .toEqual('FranzDiebold'); }); test('gets repository owner for empty repository', () => { expect(getRepositoryOwner(undefined)).toBeFalsy(); }); test('gets repository name from repository', () => { expect(getRepositoryName('FranzDiebold/github-env-vars-action')) .toEqual('github-env-vars-action'); }); test('gets repository name for empty repository', () => { expect(getRepositoryName(undefined)).toBeFalsy(); }); test('gets ref name from simple ref', () => { expect(getRefName('refs/heads/feature-branch-1')) .toEqual('feature-branch-1'); }); test('gets ref name from tag', () => { expect(getRefName('refs/tags/v1.3.7')) .toEqual('v1.3.7'); }); test('gets ref name from complex ref', () => { expect(getRefName('refs/heads/feat/feature-branch-1')) .toEqual('feat/feature-branch-1'); }); test('gets ref name for empty ref', () => { expect(getRefName(undefined)).toBeFalsy(); }); test('gets short SHA', () => { expect(getShaShort('ffac537e6cbbf934b08745a378932722df287a53')) .toEqual('ffac537e'); }); test('gets short SHA for empty SHA', () => { expect(getShaShort(undefined)).toBeFalsy(); });