from redbot.core import commands from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import error, warning from .embed import embed from import Mixin from ..importers.aurora import ImportAuroraView from ..importers.galacticbot import ImportGalacticBotView class Configuration(Mixin): """Configuration commands for Aurora.""" @commands.guild_only(), aliases=['moderation', 'mod']) async def aurora(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Settings and miscellaneous commands for Aurora.""" @aurora.command(name="settings", aliases=['config', 'options', 'set']) @commands.guild_only() async def aurora_settings(self, ctx: commands.Context): """View Aurora configuration settings.""" await ctx.send(embed=await embed(ctx)), name='import') @commands.admin() @commands.guild_only() async def aurora_import(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Import moderations from other bots.""" @aurora_import.command(name="aurora") @commands.admin() async def auroraset_import_aurora(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Import moderations from another bot using Aurora.""" if ctx.message.attachments and ctx.message.attachments[0].content_type == 'application/json; charset=utf-8': message = await ctx.send(warning("Are you sure you want to import moderations from another bot?\n**This will overwrite any moderations that already exist in this guild's moderation table.**\n*The import process will block the rest of your bot until it is complete.*")) await message.edit(view=ImportAuroraView(60, ctx, message)) else: await ctx.send(error("Please provide a valid Aurora export file.")) @aurora_import.command(name="galacticbot") @commands.admin() async def auroraset_import_galacticbot(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Import moderations from GalacticBot.""" if ctx.message.attachments and ctx.message.attachments[0].content_type == 'application/json; charset=utf-8': message = await ctx.send(warning("Are you sure you want to import GalacticBot moderations?\n**This will overwrite any moderations that already exist in this guild's moderation table.**\n*The import process will block the rest of your bot until it is complete.*")) await message.edit(view=ImportGalacticBotView(60, ctx, message)) else: await ctx.send(error("Please provide a valid GalacticBot moderation export file."))