From 824d982a4ff62666993cc2581952b167de559834 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: CoastalCommitsManagement Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 16:02:51 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Automatic commit --- theme-Dark.css | 337 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 337 insertions(+) create mode 100644 theme-Dark.css diff --git a/theme-Dark.css b/theme-Dark.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81f9e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/theme-Dark.css @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +@import "../chroma/base.css"; +@import "../chroma/dark.css"; +@import "../codemirror/dark.css"; + +:root { + --is-dark-theme: true; + --color-primary: #3d86ff; + --color-primary-contrast: #ffffff; + --color-primary-dark-1: #458afc; + --color-primary-dark-2: #4a8dfd; + --color-primary-dark-3: #5998ff; + --color-primary-dark-4: #7daeff; + --color-primary-dark-5: #aeccff; + --color-primary-dark-6: #e2edff; + --color-primary-dark-7: #f0f5ff; + --color-primary-light-1: #2e75ed; + --color-primary-light-2: #2459b2; + --color-primary-light-3: #1d58b9; + --color-primary-light-4: #143874; + --color-primary-light-5: #102b57; + --color-primary-light-6: #081934; + --color-primary-light-7: #02060c; + --color-primary-alpha-10: rgba(61, 134, 255, .1); + --color-primary-alpha-20: rgba(61, 134, 255, .2); + --color-primary-alpha-30: rgba(61, 134, 255, .3); + --color-primary-alpha-40: rgba(61, 134, 255, .4); + --color-primary-alpha-50: rgba(61, 134, 255, .5); + --color-primary-alpha-60: rgba(61, 134, 255, .6); + --color-primary-alpha-70: rgba(61, 134, 255, .7); + --color-primary-alpha-80: rgba(61, 134, 255, .8); + --color-primary-alpha-90: rgba(61, 134, 255, .9); + --color-primary-hover: var(--color-primary-light-1); + --color-primary-active: var(--color-primary-light-2); + --color-secondary: #525767; + --color-secondary-dark-1: #5c6374; + --color-secondary-dark-2: #666e81; + --color-secondary-dark-3: #7c8497; + --color-secondary-dark-4: #8990a1; + --color-secondary-dark-5: #959cab; + --color-secondary-dark-6: #a2a8b5; + --color-secondary-dark-7: #afb4c0; + --color-secondary-dark-8: #bcc0ca; + --color-secondary-dark-9: #c9cbd4; + --color-secondary-dark-10: #d6d7de; + --color-secondary-dark-11: #e2e3e8; + --color-secondary-dark-12: #eeeff2; + --color-secondary-dark-13: #fbfbfc; + --color-secondary-light-1: #454a57; + --color-secondary-light-2: #383c47; + --color-secondary-light-3: #2c2f37; + --color-secondary-light-4: #1f2226; + --color-secondary-alpha-10: #52576719; + --color-secondary-alpha-20: #52576733; + --color-secondary-alpha-30: #5257674b; + --color-secondary-alpha-40: #52576766; + --color-secondary-alpha-50: #52576780; + --color-secondary-alpha-60: #52576799; + --color-secondary-alpha-70: #525767b3; + --color-secondary-alpha-80: #525767cc; + --color-secondary-alpha-90: #525767e1; + --color-secondary-button: var(--color-secondary-dark-4); + --color-secondary-hover: var(--color-secondary-dark-3); + --color-secondary-active: var(--color-secondary-dark-2); + /* console colors - used for actions console and console files */ + --color-console-fg: #eeeff2; + --color-console-fg-subtle: #959cab; + --color-console-bg: #262936; + --color-console-border: #383c47; + --color-console-hover-bg: #ffffff16; + --color-console-active-bg: #454a57; + --color-console-menu-bg: #383c47; + --color-console-menu-border: #5c6374; + /* named colors */ + --color-red: #cc4848; + --color-orange: #cc580c; + --color-yellow: #cc9903; + --color-olive: #91a313; + --color-green: #87ab63; + --color-teal: #00918a; + --color-blue: #3a8ac6; + --color-violet: #906ae1; + --color-purple: #b259d0; + --color-pink: #d22e8b; + --color-brown: #a47252; + --color-black: #2e323e; + /* light variants - produced via Sass scale-color(color, $lightness: +10%) */ + --color-red-light: #d15a5a; + --color-orange-light: #f6a066; + --color-yellow-light: #eaaf03; + --color-olive-light: #abc016; + --color-green-light: #93b373; + --color-teal-light: #00b6ad; + --color-blue-light: #4e96cc; + --color-violet-light: #9b79e4; + --color-purple-light: #ba6ad5; + --color-pink-light: #d74397; + --color-brown-light: #b08061; + --color-black-light: #3f4555; + /* dark 1 variants - produced via Sass scale-color(color, $lightness: -10%) */ + --color-red-dark-1: #c23636; + --color-orange-dark-1: #f38236; + --color-yellow-dark-1: #b88a03; + --color-olive-dark-1: #839311; + --color-green-dark-1: #7a9e55; + --color-teal-dark-1: #00837c; + --color-blue-dark-1: #347cb3; + --color-violet-dark-1: #7b4edb; + --color-purple-dark-1: #a742c9; + --color-pink-dark-1: #be297d; + --color-brown-dark-1: #94674a; + --color-black-dark-1: #292d38; + /* dark 2 variants - produced via Sass scale-color(color, $lightness: -20%) */ + --color-red-dark-2: #ad3030; + --color-orange-dark-2: #f16e17; + --color-yellow-dark-2: #a37a02; + --color-olive-dark-2: #74820f; + --color-green-dark-2: #6c8c4c; + --color-teal-dark-2: #00746e; + --color-blue-dark-2: #2e6e9f; + --color-violet-dark-2: #6733d6; + --color-purple-dark-2: #9834b9; + --color-pink-dark-2: #a9246f; + --color-brown-dark-2: #835b42; + --color-black-dark-2: #252832; + /* ansi colors used for actions console and console files */ + --color-ansi-black: var(--color-black); + --color-ansi-red: var(--color-red); + --color-ansi-green: var(--color-green); + --color-ansi-yellow: var(--color-yellow); + --color-ansi-blue: var(--color-blue); + --color-ansi-magenta: var(--color-pink); + --color-ansi-cyan: var(--color-teal); + --color-ansi-white: var(--color-console-fg-subtle); + --color-ansi-bright-black: var(--color-black-light); + --color-ansi-bright-red: var(--color-red-light); + --color-ansi-bright-green: var(--color-green-light); + --color-ansi-bright-yellow: var(--color-yellow-light); + --color-ansi-bright-blue: var(--color-blue-light); + --color-ansi-bright-magenta: var(--color-pink-light); + --color-ansi-bright-cyan: var(--color-teal-light); + --color-ansi-bright-white: var(--color-console-fg); + /* other colors */ + --color-grey: #505665; + --color-grey-light: #a1a6b7; + --color-gold: #b1983b; + --color-white: #ffffff; + --color-diff-removed-word-bg: #6f3333; + --color-diff-added-word-bg: #3c653c; + --color-diff-removed-row-bg: #3c2626; + --color-diff-moved-row-bg: #818044; + --color-diff-added-row-bg: #283e2d; + --color-diff-removed-row-border: #634343; + --color-diff-moved-row-border: #bcca6f; + --color-diff-added-row-border: #314a37; + --color-diff-inactive: #353846; + --color-error-border: #a04141; + --color-error-bg: #522; + --color-error-bg-active: #744; + --color-error-bg-hover: #633; + --color-error-text: #f9cbcb; + --color-success-border: #458a57; + --color-success-bg: #284034; + --color-success-text: #6cc664; + --color-warning-border: #bb9d00; + --color-warning-bg: #3a3a30; + --color-warning-text: #fbbd08; + --color-info-border: #306090; + --color-info-bg: #26354c; + --color-info-text: #38a8e8; + --color-red-badge: #db2828; + --color-red-badge-bg: #db28281a; + --color-red-badge-hover-bg: #db28284d; + --color-green-badge: #21ba45; + --color-green-badge-bg: #21ba451a; + --color-green-badge-hover-bg: #21ba454d; + --color-yellow-badge: #fbbd08; + --color-yellow-badge-bg: #fbbd081a; + --color-yellow-badge-hover-bg: #fbbd084d; + --color-orange-badge: #f2711c; + --color-orange-badge-bg: #f2711c1a; + --color-orange-badge-hover-bg: #f2711c4d; + --color-git: #f05133; + /* target-based colors */ + --color-body: #2e323e; + --color-box-header: #303340; + --color-box-body: #222733; + --color-box-body-highlight: #262b36; + --color-text-dark: #dbe0ea; + --color-text: #cbd0da; + --color-text-light: #bbbfca; + --color-text-light-1: #aaafb9; + --color-text-light-2: #9a9ea9; + --color-text-light-3: #8a8e99; + --color-footer: #232834; + --color-timeline: #4c525e; + --color-input-text: #dfe3ec; + --color-input-background: #1e252e; + --color-input-toggle-background: #454a57; + --color-input-border: var(--color-secondary); + --color-input-border-hover: var(--color-secondary-dark-1); + --color-header-wrapper: #202430; + --color-header-wrapper-transparent: #20243000; + --color-light: #00000028; + --color-light-mimic-enabled: rgba(0, 0, 0, calc(40 / 255 * 222 / 255 / var(--opacity-disabled))); + --color-light-border: #ffffff28; + --color-hover: #ffffff19; + --color-active: #ffffff24; + --color-menu: #1e252e; + --color-card: #1e252e; + --color-markup-table-row: #ffffff06; + --color-markup-code-block: #ffffff16; + --color-button: #1e252e; + --color-code-bg: #222733; + --color-code-sidebar-bg: #232834; + --color-shadow: #00000060; + --color-secondary-bg: #2a2e3a; + --color-text-focus: #fff; + --color-expand-button: #3c404d; + --color-placeholder-text: #8a8e99; + --color-editor-line-highlight: var(--color-primary-light-5); + --color-project-board-bg: var(--color-secondary-light-2); + --color-caret: var(--color-text); /* should ideally be --color-text-dark, see #15651 */ + --color-reaction-bg: #ffffff12; + --color-reaction-hover-bg: var(--color-primary-light-4); + --color-reaction-active-bg: var(--color-primary-light-5); + --color-tooltip-text: #ffffff; + --color-tooltip-bg: #000000f0; + --color-nav-bg: #232834; + --color-nav-hover-bg: #383c47; + --color-label-text: #dfe3ec; + --color-label-bg: #7c84974b; + --color-label-hover-bg: #7c8497a0; + --color-label-active-bg: #7c8497ff; + --color-accent: var(--color-primary-light-1); + --color-small-accent: var(--color-primary-light-5); + --color-active-line: #534d1b; + accent-color: var(--color-accent); + color-scheme: dark; +} + +.home .hero .svg, +.home a, { + color: var(--color-blue)!important; +} + { + color: var(--color-violet)!important +} +, .button:hover { + background: var(--color-violet-dark-1); +} +,, +.runner-container .runner-status-online { + background: var(--color-blue); +} + { + background: #347cb3; +} + +.repository .diff-detail-box .diff-detail-stats strong:nth-of-type(3) { + color: var(--color-violet); +} + +.repository .diff-detail-box .diff-detail-stats strong:nth-of-type(2) { + color: var(--color-blue); +} + +.code-diff-unified .del-code, .code-diff-unified .del-code td, .code-diff-split .del-code .lines-num-old, .code-diff-split .del-code .lines-escape-old, .code-diff-split .del-code .lines-type-marker-old, .code-diff-split .del-code .lines-code-old { + background: #906ae124; + border-color: var(--color-diff-removed-row-border); +} + +.code-diff-unified .add-code, .code-diff-unified .add-code td, .code-diff-split .add-code .lines-num-new, .code-diff-split .add-code .lines-type-marker-new, .code-diff-split .add-code .lines-escape-new, .code-diff-split .add-code .lines-code-new, .code-diff-split .del-code .add-code.lines-num-new, .code-diff-split .del-code .add-code.lines-type-marker-new, .code-diff-split .del-code .add-code.lines-escape-new, .code-diff-split .del-code .add-code.lines-code-new { + background: #0055953b; + border-color: var(--color-diff-added-row-border); +} + +.diff-stats-bar .diff-stats-add-bar { + background-color: var(--color-blue); + height: 100%; +} + .label,,, .button,, .button:focus { + background: var(--color-primary); +} + .label,,, .button,, .button:focus { + background: var(--color-violet); +} + +.ui { + background-color: var(--color-violet) !important; +} + +.ui { + background-color: var(--color-primary) !important; +} + +.diff-stats-bar { + display: inline-block; + background-color: var(--color-violet); + height: 12px; + width: 40px; +} +, .lines-code .active { + background: #295fb124!important; +} + +/* invert emojis that are hard to read otherwise */ +.emoji[aria-label="check mark"], +.emoji[aria-label="currency exchange"], +.emoji[aria-label="TOP arrow"], +.emoji[aria-label="END arrow"], +.emoji[aria-label="ON! arrow"], +.emoji[aria-label="SOON arrow"], +.emoji[aria-label="heavy dollar sign"], +.emoji[aria-label="copyright"], +.emoji[aria-label="registered"], +.emoji[aria-label="trade mark"], +.emoji[aria-label="multiply"], +.emoji[aria-label="plus"], +.emoji[aria-label="minus"], +.emoji[aria-label="divide"], +.emoji[aria-label="curly loop"], +.emoji[aria-label="double curly loop"], +.emoji[aria-label="wavy dash"], +.emoji[aria-label="paw prints"], +.emoji[aria-label="musical note"], +.emoji[aria-label="musical notes"] { + filter: invert(100%) hue-rotate(180deg); +} \ No newline at end of file