import PostPage from "app/(posts)/post/[id]/components/post-page" import { notFound } from "next/navigation" import { getPostById, Post } from "@lib/server/prisma" import { getCurrentUser } from "@lib/server/session" export type PostProps = { post: Post isProtected?: boolean } // export async function generateStaticParams() { // const posts = await getAllPosts({ // where: { // visibility: "public" // } // }) // return => ({ // id: // })) // } const getPost = async (id: string) => { const post = await getPostById(id, { withFiles: true, withAuthor: true }) const user = await getCurrentUser() if (!post) { return notFound() } const isAuthorOrAdmin = user?.id === post?.authorId || user?.role === "admin" if (post.visibility === "public") { return { post, isAuthor: isAuthorOrAdmin } } // must be authed to see unlisted/private if ( (post.visibility === "unlisted" || post.visibility === "private") && !user ) { return notFound() } if (post.visibility === "private" && !isAuthorOrAdmin) { return notFound() } if (post.visibility === "protected" && !isAuthorOrAdmin) { return { // post, isProtected: true, isAuthor: isAuthorOrAdmin } } // if expired if (post.expiresAt && !isAuthorOrAdmin) { const expirationDate = new Date(post.expiresAt) if (expirationDate < new Date()) { return notFound() } } return { post, isAuthor: isAuthorOrAdmin } } const PostView = async ({ params }: { params: { id: string } }) => { const { post, isProtected, isAuthor } = await getPost( // TODO: serialize dates in prisma middleware instead of passing as JSON const stringifiedPost = JSON.stringify(post) return ( ) } export default PostView