"use client" import { FormEvent, useState } from "react" import styles from "./auth.module.css" import { useRouter } from "next/navigation" import Link from "../link" import { Button, Input, Note } from "@geist-ui/core/dist" import { signIn } from "next-auth/react" import { Github as GithubIcon } from "@geist-ui/icons" const NO_EMPTY_SPACE_REGEX = /^\S*$/ const ERROR_MESSAGE = "Provide a non empty username and a password with at least 6 characters" const Auth = ({ page, requiresServerPassword }: { page: "signup" | "signin" requiresServerPassword?: boolean }) => { const router = useRouter() const [username, setUsername] = useState("") const [password, setPassword] = useState("") const [serverPassword, setServerPassword] = useState("") const [errorMsg, setErrorMsg] = useState("") const signingIn = page === "signin" const handleJson = (json: any) => { // setCookie(USER_COOKIE_NAME, json.userId) router.push("/new") } const handleSubmit = async (e: FormEvent) => { e.preventDefault() // if ( // !signingIn && // (!NO_EMPTY_SPACE_REGEX.test(username) || password.length < 6) // ) // return setErrorMsg(ERROR_MESSAGE) // if ( // !signingIn && // requiresServerPassword && // !NO_EMPTY_SPACE_REGEX.test(serverPassword) // ) // return setErrorMsg(ERROR_MESSAGE) // else setErrorMsg("") const reqOpts = { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ username, password, serverPassword }) } try { // signIn("credentials", { // callbackUrl: "/new", // redirect: false, // username, // password, // serverPassword // }) // const signUrl = signingIn ? "/api/auth/signin" : "/api/auth/signup" // const resp = await fetch(signUrl, reqOpts) // const json = await resp.json() // if (!resp.ok) throw new Error(json.error.message) // handleJson(json) } catch (err: any) { setErrorMsg(err.message ?? "Something went wrong") } } return (

{signingIn ? "Sign In" : "Sign Up"}

{/* setUsername(event.currentTarget.value)} placeholder="Username" required minLength={3} width="100%" /> setPassword(event.currentTarget.value)} placeholder="Password" required minLength={6} width="100%" /> */} {/* sign in with github */} {requiresServerPassword && ( setServerPassword(event.currentTarget.value) } placeholder="Server Password" required width="100%" /> )} {/* */}
{signingIn ? (

Don't have an account?{" "} Sign up

) : (

Have an account?{" "} Sign in

{errorMsg && {errorMsg}}
) } export default Auth