import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server" const PUBLIC_FILE = /\.(.*)$/ export function middleware(req: NextRequest, event: NextFetchEvent) { const pathname = req.nextUrl.pathname const signedIn = req.cookies["drift-token"] const getURL = (pageName: string) => new URL(`/${pageName}`, req.url).href const isPageRequest = !PUBLIC_FILE.test(pathname) && !pathname.startsWith("/api") && // header added when next/link pre-fetches a route !req.headers.get("x-middleware-preflight") if (!req.headers.get("x-middleware-preflight") && pathname === "/signout") { // If you're signed in we remove the cookie and redirect to the home page // If you're not signed in we redirect to the home page if (signedIn) { const resp = NextResponse.redirect(getURL("")) resp.clearCookie("drift-token") resp.clearCookie("drift-userid") const signoutPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { fetch(`${process.env.API_URL}/auth/signout`, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Authorization: `Bearer ${signedIn}`, "x-secret-key": process.env.SECRET_KEY || "" } }).then(() => { resolve(true) }) }) event.waitUntil(signoutPromise) return resp } } else if (isPageRequest) { if (signedIn) { if ( pathname === "/" || pathname === "/signin" || pathname === "/signup" ) { return NextResponse.redirect(getURL("new")) } } else if (!signedIn) { if (pathname === "/new") { return NextResponse.redirect(getURL("signin")) } } if (pathname.includes("/protected/") || pathname.includes("/private/")) { const urlWithoutVisibility = pathname .replace("/protected/", "/") .replace("/private/", "/") .substring(1) return NextResponse.redirect(getURL(urlWithoutVisibility)) } } return }