import { Post } from "@lib/models/Post" import { User } from "@lib/models/User" import { File } from "@lib/models/File" import { Sequelize } from "sequelize-typescript" import { createPostFromGist, responseToGist } from ".." import { GistResponse } from "../fetch" import { AdditionalPostInformation } from "../transform" import * as path from "path" let aUser: User let sequelize: Sequelize beforeAll(async () => { sequelize = new Sequelize({ dialect: "sqlite", storage: ":memory:", models: [path.resolve(__dirname, "../../models")], logging: false }) await sequelize.authenticate() await sequelize.sync({ force: true }) aUser = await User.create({ username: "a user", password: "monkey", role: "user" }) }) afterAll(async () => { await sequelize.close() }) async function createPost( response: GistResponse, override: Partial = {} ): Promise { const info: AdditionalPostInformation = { userId:, visibility: "public", ...override } return createPostFromGist(info, responseToGist(response)) } describe("Gist", () => { it("should fail if the gist has too many files", () => { const tooManyFiles: GistResponse = { id: "some id", created_at: "2022-04-05T18:23:31Z", description: "many files", files: { //... many many files }, truncated: true } expect(createPost(tooManyFiles)).rejects.toEqual( new Error("Gist has too many files to import") ) }) it("should fail if the gist has no files", () => { const noFiles: GistResponse = { id: "some id", created_at: "2022-04-05T18:23:31Z", description: "no files", files: {}, truncated: false } expect(createPost(noFiles)).rejects.toEqual( new Error("The gist did not have any files") ) }) it("should create a post for the user with all the files", async () => { const noFiles: GistResponse = { id: "some id", created_at: "2022-04-05T18:23:31Z", description: "This is a gist", files: { "": { content: "this is a readme", filename: "", raw_url: "http://some.url", truncated: false } }, truncated: false } const expiresAt = new Date("2022-04-25T18:23:31Z") const newPost = await createPost(noFiles, { password: "password", visibility: "protected", expiresAt }) const post = await Post.findByPk(, { include: [ { model: File, as: "files" }, { model: User, as: "users" } ] }) expect(post).not.toBeNull() expect(post!.title).toBe("This is a gist") expect(post!.visibility).toBe("protected") expect(post!.password).toBe("password") expect(post!.expiresAt!.getDate()).toBe(expiresAt.getDate()) expect(post!.createdAt.getDate()).toBe( new Date("2022-04-05T18:23:31Z").getDate() ) expect(post!.files).toHaveLength(1) expect(post!.files![0].title).toBe("") expect(post!.files![0].content).toBe("this is a readme") expect(post!.users).toContainEqual( expect.objectContaining({ PostAuthor: expect.objectContaining({ userId: }) }) ) }) })